3 Slasky Award 1999 Nominations!

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Written by Catherine Castellani
Directed by Scott Rabinowitz

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Ashira Danielle Surrette
Extreme Summer Mahony
Alley Class Nancy Barnes
The Poisoned Pixie Lisette Bross
Sangue Froid Jessie Thompson
Shelley Wenk
Nutmeg Jill Bennett
Freezia Sleet Cameron Meyer
Tiffany Saito
Jennifer Wu
Rapture Linda Miller
Rott Weilah Quinn Sullivan
Mighty Mamas Babe Hack
Tina Balabio
Laura Simon
Gabby Anderman
Tiffany Saito
Laurie Bosco
Jennifer Wu
Amy Bryson

Superheroines collide! A post-apololyptic and sometimes cryptic adventure tale - the kind you didn't see Saturday Morning. And lots of kewl fight scenes to boot!

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Ashira (Danielle Surrette) and Nutmeg (Jill Bennett)

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Linda Miller as Rapture (obviously) flanked by Mighty Mamas,
Amy Bryson and Gabby Anderman

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Shelley Wenk is Sangue Froid

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Cameron Meyer is Freezia Sleet

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Lisette Bross is The Poisoned Pixie

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Nancy Barnes is Alley Class