Slasky Award 1999 Award Winner for Best Crime!

Flying Fists of Fury!
Written & Directed by Aaron Francis
kungfu_head_adam.jpg (2573 bytes) 4/24/99 - 5/8/99: "The Legendary Adventure of Kung Pao Beef, Master of Kung Fu"

"EPISODE 1: The Phantom Snow Pea!"

8/28/99: "Master Mu Shu vs Master Pea"

A reprise of a "CRIME SCENE Classic(tm)"!8/5/00: Original Episode performed again as part of Summer Reruns! New Actors in the rerun denoted in BLUE!

kungfu_head_bilgarity.jpg (7100 bytes)
kungfu_tallman.jpg (12235 bytes) Kung Pao Beef Ken Merkx
R.C. Ormond
Po Po Dumpling Amy Raash
Wanton Jay Harik
Master Mu Shu Joel Christian
Bryan Bellomo
Colonel Szechuan Adam Bitterman
Mongolian Pork Marty Yu
Matt King
Ma Po To Fu Joe Jordan
Fu Yung Eric Johnson
Zack Eisenberg
Chop Suey Aaron Francis
Master Pea Bil Garrity
Sweet Pea Babe Hack
Sour Pea Catia Salvadori
Lauren Hollingsworth
Baby Pea Jessie Marion
Ginger Pea Michelle Madden
Ivana Pea Timbre Henning
The Worthless and
Pathetic Men
Scott Rabinowitz
Allen Lulu
David Holcomb
Eric Perlmutter

Cherry Pitt

Charlie Barrett

And The Vocal Stylings of...
Paul Plunkett All The Voices

One Evil villain, one great Kung Fu master...a whole bunch of guys without shirts on with very odd facial hair. And a bunch of Kung Fu fightin' babe-skis! The first CRIME SCENE import from the Orient is the most action packed adventure yet! And it's all dubbed into English for your comedy pleasure!

And as an added extra week added!
EPISODE 1: The Phantom Snow Pea!

[To quickly zoom to the babe shots, click here!]

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Some guys got it...
Marty Yu as Mongolian Pork...

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Ken Merkx as Kung Pao Beef...

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Adam Bitterman as Colonel Szechuan...

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Some guys don't...
Eric Johnson as Ma Po To Fu

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Chicks with kicks!
Timbre Henning as Ivana Pea

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Amy Raash as Po Po Dumpling

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Jessie Marion as Baby Pea

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What's a mother to do...?
Bil Garrity as Master Pea

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Po Po Dumpling gets the best of Baby Pea.
We get the best of both.

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Just taking it all in...
Jay Harik, as Wanton

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Babe Hack, as Sweet Pea kicks the ass

of worthless and pathetic David Holcomb