Done in by the music *and* the mirror!
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Written by Quinn Sullivan / Jim Tosney
Directed by Quinn Sullivan
Musically Directed by Robert Levine
Choreography by Pogo Saito
6/12/99 - 6/26/99

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Zach Patrick Towne
Cassie Nancy Barnes
Sheila Sarah Winterer
Maggie Abby Wolfe
Jill Bennett
Bebe Pogo Saito
Val Amy Bryson
Diana Tenny Priebe
Richie Gerald McClanahan
Mike John Altieri
Bobby Scott McShane
Don David Bauman
Al John Sylvain
Kristine Shelley Wenk
Captain Hamlisch Brian Chenoweth
Lieutenant Sondheim Jessie Thompson

One...Murderous sensation! Every little death it takes!
Someone's killed that bitch, Cassie! Music and a Mirror right through the spleen! Who dunnit? Who didn't? Can Captain Hamlisch and Lt. Sondheim put the pieces together? Find out in this inspiring musical for all ages! Ages over 18 anyway...

Come on people! Let's work together!!
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Abby Wolfe is Maggie

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Gerald McClanahan is Richie

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Amy Bryson is Val

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David Bauman is Don

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Pogo Saito is Bebe

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John Altieri is Mike

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Sarah Winterer is Sheila

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John Sylvain is a

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Shelley Wenk is Kristine

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Nancy Barnes is Cassie --- done in by the music and the mirror!