Project Description:
Sharing The Spotlight will employ social media, in partnership with other like-minded companies, to raise the visibility of underserved artists in our community. It will also serve as the online platform through which we will share our other initiatives with the community at large.

Start Date: 7/22/2020
Completion Date: 10/3/2020
Marc Antonio Pritchett
Stefanie Wong Lau
Julia Bersani
Julianna Ojeda
Armando Molina
Kim Hamilton
Malcolm Barrett
Liz Ross
Visibility is one of the biggest challenges underserved artists face.
We will use this platform to raise their visibility so their work will no longer go unnoticed.
This will also provide an outlet for us to share our initiatives with underserved artists in our community.
We must magnify our impact by networking with other companies, but not so many that the system loses functionality
There must be clear rules about what is and is not appropriate to post.
By partnering with others we build relationships that can lead to many unforeseeable benefits.
Our collaborators can use this outlet for their initiatives.
The underserved will be connected to those with the power to create upward mobility through this central hub.
Integrity must be maintained throughout the life of this initiative to ensure sustainability.