Sacred Fools Theater Company presents...

The Spinning Cheeseburger Trick
The Wheelbarrow Balance
Danger Stuff

Special BONUS Material
never before seen in Los Angeles!

The world-renowned comic, juggler and
manic-depressive returns to Sacred Fools!

You've seen him in Crime Scene, Naked Holidays, 360 and
F.L.E.A. S.H.O.W
.... not to mention on David Letterman
and at (of all places).

NOW see him do his amazing and hilarious feats of comic
juggling SOLO for seventy stunning minutes - LIVE!

Also featuring Moira Quirk

One Astounding Night Only!

SATURDAY, MAY 28 @ 9pm

Tickets: $12
($10 if you pre-pay online!)
Reservations: (310) 281-8337
Purchase Discount Tickets Online!

Map to the Theater





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