SACRED FOOLS | LATE-NIGHT: A Night at the Fights  

"Innovative... exhilarating... literally packs the punches!" -L.A. Weekly

Directed by Eric Virkkala
Produced by Sondra Mayer

Do you like those summer action movies?
Then come see the Kick-Ass, LIVE, in-your-face,
Summer Blockbuster Combat Show!
It's Straight-Up combat... but with a twist!

Late-Night Fridays...
August 15 & 22 @ 11pm
Admission: $10
Reservations: (310) 281-8337
or Purchase Tickets Online!
Click here to guarantee your tickets online!

Romanos Isaac, Pam Klier, Sondra Mayer,
Samuel Muñoz, Jake McKinney, Eric Virkkala and Andy Wolf



Co-written by Sondra Mayer and director Eric Virkkala, this innovative 30-minute show combines fight choreography and sketch comedy. And while the sketches falter at times, the dexterous cast literally packs the punches in the stage-fight sequences. Actors playing Romeo (Samuel Muñoz) and Paris (Romanos Isaac) take out their mutual animosity during an exhilarating fencing exhibition in “Romeo and Juliet,” and Mayer and Pam Klier’s running gag as battling “Dandra Dolls” proves that women can slug it out like any street-fighting thug. The best bit is “Cardboard Bum Fight,” wherein the mimed fistfight of two homeless men (Virkkala and Andy Wolf) is choreographed to words on their cardboard signs. But the slo-mo struggle of superheroes Virkkala and Wolf in “Slow Motion Man” goes on way too long, and “Domestic Disturbance,” in which a disgruntled Husband (Jake McKinney) beats his overly contrite Wife (Mayer) to a pulp — all to the telling tune “Be Pretty, Be Naked, Be Quiet” — contains no humor whatsoever.

-- Martín Hernández
©2003 L.A. Weekly