"Picking up where Paradise Lost leaves off...Spellbinding!"
"[S]ome of the wittiest dialogue experienced in a good long time!"

A World Premiere!


It's the end of the world as we know it...


A New Play by David Davalos
Directed by Tenny Priebe
Produced by Desi Doyen & Bryan Bellomo

On the Sacred Fools Mainstage...
November 30 - December 22
Thur, Fri & Sat @ 8pm,  Sun @ 7pm
Tickets: $12 
Reservations: (310) 281-8337
or Purchase Tickets Online!
  Click here to guarantee your tickets online!


Read the Press Release for More Info!

Tabatha Hall - Piper Henry - David Holcomb
Daintry Jensen - Seth Kanor - John Prince - Casey Smith

Lighting Design - Bryan Schulte
Set Design - Gerald McClanahan
Costume Design - Dionne Anderson
Sound Design - Dean Jacobson
Technical Director - David Holcomb
Prop Master - Ina Burke
Stage Manager - Denise Barnard
Graphic Design - Brad Friedman




DARKFALL, a world premiere play focusing on the passing of power, the fate of the future, and New Year’s Eve, opens at the Sacred Fools Theatre.

Ike and Sayza (played by Casey Smith and Daintry Jensen) are spending New Year’s Eve in Ike’s apartment in Manhattan.  All is well, until an old man falls on a stairwell in Ike’s building.  It turns out to be the man who owns Ike’s apartment building.  He’s a powerful man, not only owning the building, but the whole city block!!  What’s the fate of the man?  Will his power be turned to his son Josh (David Holcomb), a mild-mannered junior high school teacher, or Lucas Prince (Seth Kanor), a man who could be king with possible evil in mind??  What will become of the world in the 21st century??  What will become of Ike’s and Sayza’s New Year’s celebration?

Playwright David Davalos writes a strange-yet-funny play with some of the wittiest dialogue experienced in a good long time!  Tenny Priebe directs this cast (along with co-players Piper Henry, John Prince, and Tabatha Hall) in a moving tale of what power, greed, and a spoiled New Year’s Eve at home can do to a few people!!

DARKFALL may be what can lie ahead in the 21st century.  Then again, maybe not!  One can’t be fooled with too many “Y2K” scares!!

-- Rich Borowy


Picking up where Paradise Lost leaves off, David Davalos’ play depicts a reconciliation between Jesus and Lucifer. But unlike Milton, Davalos shows his story through a corporate frame, which ultimately buries his engrossing premise and inflates his one-act idea into a two-act play. The product manufactured by family business Potter & Sons is faith — packaged and marketed to the masses. A potentially fatal spill down some stairs on New Year’s Eve lands Potter the elder in the hospital, where his doctor, Rae (Piper Henry), his lawyer, Gabby (Tabatha Hall), and the chief of police, Mike (John Prince), worry about the prospect of Potter’s businessman son, Lucifer, a.k.a. Luke (Seth Kanor), taking over the company in the absence of the rightful inheritor, Jesus, a.k.a. Josh (David Holcomb). However, the mix of biblical and corporate allegory confuses. It intrigues intellectually but renders the drama somewhat ambiguous, without clear emotional or narrative stakes. This leaves Jesus and Lucifer waxing philosophic about the nature of faith and mankind, and leaves us in search of an anchor for their story. Davalos’ language, though, is spellbinding, epitomized in the rhyming verse of Luke’s Act 2 speech, which reiterates Milton’s compassionate defense of Lucifer. This elevated language, however, proves elusive to director Tenny Priebe, who stages the show with jarring naturalism, thereby turning his actors into talking heads instead of offering them the stylization that might help their soliloquies take flight.

-- Luis Reyes


DARKFALL is an interesting and thought provoking new play by David Davalos. The dialogue celebrates language in an era when language is often brought down to its lowest common denominator. Soliloquies often slip into verse in a way that is quite delightful.

An old man falls and sets off a chain of events that has far reaching consequences. We learn that the old man is the patriarch of a vast empire and his would be inheritors gather in the hospital waiting room to fight old battles and speculate on their own personal visions of the future.

Good versus evil, innocence versus reality, these are some of the weighty issues being pondered here. Although we don't really find an answer (did you really expect one?) the journey makes an interesting evening.
Seth Kanor who plays Luke (Lucifer?) did a wonderful job and captivated the audience with his fluid performance!  A very believable "devil",  who better to portray the "bright red one" than a corporate CEO? Josh, played very convincingly by David Holcomb, is the counterpart, the Junior High Teacher who is being asked to come back to the corporate fold. The supporting cast all performed in a way that put it all together into a professional production well worth seeing.

The Sacred Fools Theatre is one of those delightful small L.A. theatres where there are more klieg lights than seats and the actors are within touching distance. The lighting was very dramatic. However, there was an annoying buzzing sound emanating from the equipment that this reviewer found quite distracting.
Tenny Priebe's direction was well done, some very clever business with a table and an old microphone as the setting for a couple dramatic speeches, also the "three muses" had some cute choreography that was very well executed.

-- Herb Rubinstein


· Click here for El Puente Latino's Feature Article on Sacred Fools production of Darkfall and it's author David Davalos!