Forbidden WHAT in the WHAT dimension?

FORBIDDEN ZONE: LIVE IN THE 6TH DIMENSION is the live stage-musical adaptation of the 1982 cult film classic scored by Danny Elfman and directed by Richard Elfman. It's a bawdy, sexy sci-fi/fantasy romp through Hell and back.  Imagine "Alice in Wonderland" filtered through a surrealistic cartoon lens complete with sex, demons and talking chickens. A vast array of musical styles are explored throughout the play, from New Wave to American Jazz Classics.

That sounds weird.

You know it!

Why are you turning a movie into a play?

The original FORBIDDEN ZONE film began life when Richard Elfman decided to capture on film the live performances of The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, who were originally a theater/cabaret act.  With FORBIDDEN ZONE: LIVE IN THE 6TH DIMENSION, we are reverse-engineering the film back into its theatrical roots.

Are the Elfmans involved?

YES, FOOL! Richard created this, Danny wrote much of the music and we are in constant communication with the relevant parties in order to make certain that this production is nurtured in the same fashion as all the other odd flora that grew out of the garden that the Brothers Elfman planted long ago.

Who are you people and how do I know you won't mess up my favorite film?

Sacred Fools is an award-winning Los Angeles-based theater company with an ongoing commitment to the development of new plays and projects which challenge traditional expectations of the theatrical experience.  For example, in December of 2009, the Fools premiered a silent comedy production of Hamlet entitled HAMLET SHUT UP which used not one word of Shakespeare's dialogue.  Sacred Fools was named among the Best Theater Companies of the Decade by the L.A. Weekly's Steven Leigh Morris, and was recently nominated for sixteen L.A. Weekly Awards - more than any other theater in Los Angeles!  FORBIDDEN ZONE: LIVE IN THE 6TH DIMENSION closes the Fools' 13th season.

Director Scott Leggett previously directed Padraic Duffy's BEAVERQUEST! at Sacred Fools, a critically-acclaimed original rock musical about the forbidden love between a bunny and the last living beaver, which earned Scott an L.A. Weekly Award nomination for Best Direction of a Musical.  Adaptor Michael Holmes is best known for his role as Det. James Miller in the popular comedy webseries DUCK 'N COVER.  Both are members of Sacred Fools.

I see your stuff in Buzzine all the time! What's up with that?

Buzzine is the current endeavor of Richard Elfman. It would stand to reason we would have a mutual affinity for one another.

Will the music from the movie be in the stage show?

YES - AND MORE!  We're definitely using all the great Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo compositions, in addition to as many of the old standards as we can get our grubby hands on... and a few additional songs as well!  IT'S A MUSICSTRAVAGANZA!

Will the play be just like the movie?

While we are staying faithful to the tone and overall plot and characters, this is an adaptation.  Richard Elfman has given the creative team just three mandates:

1) The music should be impeccable.  (Check.  We've got two complete bands rehearsing the heck out of the songs and they sound amazing.)

2) King Fausto must be played by a Little Person.  (Check.)

3) Keep the nudity.  (No problem!)

Other than that, we've been given a wide berth... and we aim to offer up a show full of familiar sights and sounds, as well as a few surprises.

Surprises?  C'mon, just one hint.

Oh, okay, fine.  You'll be seeing a lot more of Satan than you do in the film.

Will this show be coming to my town?

Who can foretell the future?  We hope, of course, for huge success and national tours and orgies all around.  For now, though, we currently only plan on a six-week run in Los Angeles with a possible extension.

Tickets! I want tickets!

Then get 'em now, while you can!