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written & directed by Michael Franco

1 Episode

MI-5 is under siege and Secret Agent Thomas Tyrell,
Number 6, is out in the cold and on the run from the
Agents of Evil.  His only hope, his fellow agents and the
Mysterious leader of MI-5: Number 1, Tennyeson, The Wheel.


Michael Franco

Thomas Tyrell

Michael Lanahan

Troy Talbot

Terry Tocantins

Terrence Tennant

Ben Simonetti

Agent of Evil 1

Joe Fria

Agent of Evil 2

Kimberly Atkinson

Trish Tennenbaum

Adam Bitterman

Leggy Mountbatten

Paul Plunkett

Tenneyson (The Wheel)

Franci Montgomery

Tannen Terwilliker

L-R: Leggy Mountbatten (Adam Bitterman), Troy Talbot (Michael Lanahan),
Trish Tennenbaum (Kimberly Atkinson), Thomas Tyrell (Michael Franco),
Tannen Terwilliker (Franci Montgomery) and The Wheel (Paul Plunkett)

Photo by Haven Hartman