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by Jenelle Riley
directed by Anthony Backman

2 Episodes
5/20/06 - 5/27/06

Just try to resist him.


Henry Dittman

Bryan (Eps. 1-2)

Stacey Jackson

Martha (Eps. 1-2)

Michael Lanahan

Guy (Ep. 1)

Melissa Okey

Shirley (Ep. 1)
(Ep. 2)

Mary Guilliams

Nun (Ep. 1)
(Ep. 2)

Jon Monastero

Dad (Ep. 2)

Jaime Andrews

Cab Driver (Ep. 2)

Guy (Michael Lanahan) and Shirley (Melissa Okey)
are SO in love, and they want YOU to be, too!

Click on the picture to watch this scene!
From Episode One (5-20-06)

I mean really, really, sickeningly in love.

Shirley and Guy try to comfort their latest
client, Martha (Stacey Jackson), who is having
trouble with her boyfriend, Bryan.

Click on the picture to watch this scene!
From Episode One (5-20-06)

And the trouble is that Bryan (Henry Dittman)
is completely, utterly irresistible.

Bryan tries to talk about his problems, but
Shirley somehow doesn't seem to be listening...

Click on the picture to watch this scene!
From Episode One (5-20-06)

No really, he's COMPLETELY and UTTERLY irresistible.

The Cab Driver (Jaime Andrews) goes
ballistic when she can't have Bryan.

Martha's overprotective dad (Jon Monastero),
before getting a glimpse of Bryan's beauty.

Martha's Mom (Mary Guilliams) can't resist Bryan.

And neither can Dad.

Martha's parents are utterly besotted.

Even Grandma (Melissa Okey), whose paralysis was acting
up, can rise and walk when she gets a look at Bryan.