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written & directed by Jason Siner

2 Episodes
4/29/06 - 5/13/06

Nothing gets more in the way of showing
your feelings than a little evolution.


Franci Montgomery

Woman (Eps. 1-2)

Adam Johnson

Neanderthal Man (Eps. 1-2)

Troy Vincent

Developed Man (Eps. 1-2)

Jason Siner

Rex (Ep. 1)

Andrew Koenig

The Shaman (Ep. 2)


Neanderthal Man (Adam Johnson) has made
a "Lug" for his Woman (Franci Montgomery)

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From Episode One (4-29-06)

The Developed Man (Troy Vincent) is not impressed.

But she's not too impressed with him, either.

Edible underwear - caveman style

Like, it's the Shaman (Andrew Koenig), just chillin'