SUMMARY: When aspiring writer Trevor finds himself
with writer's block when trying to write about a man visiting a
prostitute, his annoying and degenerate hipster friend Tom - who
pretends he's British despite the fact that he just spent two
years studying there - suggests that Trevor actually sleep with
a prostitute himself. Tom suggests this knowing full well
that Trevor is in a relationship. Trevor floats Tom's idea
- apparently the latest in a string of terrible ideas from Tom -
to his girlfriend Bonnie, an actress, saying it would only be
for the art. Bonnie counters that maybe she should sleep
with Colin, her smolderingly handsome co-star who is playing
Brick to her Maggie in a production of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof."
Trevor, to her shock, accepts - but only if he can watch.
Since it's for her art, she needs an audience. And to
sleep with Colin in character. Bonnie is taken aback, but
agrees. When Trevor reports all this to Tom, Tom manages
to convince Trevor to invite him to watch, since one person
isn't really an audience... |