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by Gregory Sims
directed by Kimberly Atkinson Sims

You can't pick your family,
but you might be able to buy them off.

1 Episode

EPISODE ONE (3/7/15)

SUMMARY:  Nerdy and socially awkward Myron wants to take CJ to prom, but she's not interested.  And she's not in a "dating place" anyway due to trouble with her family.  Her father, Roy - coach of the baseball team on which Myron is the "fifth string StopShort" (according to Myron) - is a crude jerk, and he talks Myron's father, David, into bribing him to allow Myron to play.  When Myron doesn't get it, and thinks he's about to get a chance to prove his manhood, CJ turns on him and tells him that neither he nor his father have a spine.  As Myron slinks off, CJ - with Myron, who was not quite gone yet, secretly watching - is approached by Crig, a man who claims to be her long-lost and wealthy grandfather.  He's willing to leave his $500 million fortune to her to help save her father's soul - but to earn it, she has to somehow convince her father to reform himself without telling him about the inheritance; he must reform himself solely on his love for her.  As she wonders aloud if she'll have to face this challenge alone, Myron leaps out of the shadows and pledges his help.

Dorky Myron (Corey Klemow) tries to offer his crush, CJ (Julia Addis) some advice. CJ's dad and Myron's coach, Roy (Gregory Sims), asks Myron's Dad, David (JJ Mayes), to bribe him to put Myron in a baseball game. CJ gets a visit from her long-long grandpappy, Crig (Pat Towne). Crig has millions of dollars for CJ to inhertit... and a plan to save Roy's soul.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez


Julia Addis

CJ (Ep. 1)

Corey Klemow

Myron (Ep. 1)

JJ Mayes

David Pringle (Ep. 1)

Gregory Sims

Roy Dregs (Ep. 1)

Pat Tonwe

Crig (Ep. 1)