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written by Erika Rose Salomon
directed by Rebecca Larsen
lyrics by Zachary Bernstein

Get ready for the ride of your life.

1 Episode

EPISODE ONE (11/21/15)

SUMMARY:  A motley group wait in line to ride a literal "death coaster." Most in line are there to die, though nebbishy Eugene keeps letting people ride ahead of him. However, the ride also attracts professional thrill seeker Chad, who is looking to finally rehabilitate his image after shitting on a bald eagle as a kid while tightrope walking across the Grand Canyon. Jill, the new intern, is excited to be working there, but her boss, Tom, is just tired of his job. The most unhappy person in line is Karen, a middle aged woman in a wheelchair. When she finally boards the coaster, she is surprised to find Abigail, a girl who was in line, sitting next to her. Karen unburdens to Abigail, and dies with a smile on her face.

Photos by Victor Isaac


Bart Tangredi

Tom (Ep. 1)

Cj Merriman

Jill (Ep. 1)

Glenda Suggs

Karen (Ep. 1)

Corey Klemow

Eugene (Ep. 1)

Colin Thomas Jennings

Chad (Ep. 1)

Donnelle Perkins

Abigail (Ep. 1)