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written by Halee Johnson
directed by JJ Mayes

All things burn eventually.

1 Episode

EPISODE ONE (11/5/16)

SUMMARY: Jolene is grief-stricken when a fire kills her sister and brother-in-law... and their daughter - Jolene's niece, Eden - goes missing. Jolene's grief is made worse by Sheriff Watts' relentless questioning. Her brother, Charlie, tries to comfort her. Meanwhile, Eden wakes up in an unfamiliar house, and panics when she finds she's locked in. But soon her Uncle Charlie arrives; he's the one who brought her here. He tells her her memories of a fire are no dream. And Charlie lets her in on a family secret: he concentrates, and his hands burst into flame...

Photos by Mandi Moss


Michael Shaw Fisher

Charlie (Ep. 1)

Patrick Vest

Sheriff Watts (Ep. 1)

Jaime Andrews

Jolene (Ep. 1)

Peter Fluet

Dep. Smith (Ep. 1)

Aaron Mendelson

Father (Ep. 1)

Cj Merriman

Mother (Ep. 1)

Christine Sage

Maisy (Ep. 1)

Leah Breit

Eden (Ep. 1)