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written & directed by Eric Toms

We're basically a human shield.

1 Episode

EPISODE ONE (10/1/16)

SUMMARY: Sam, one of several henchmen to a supervillain, is shot by James Bond. His fellow henchmen are less than supportive - especially when he says he wants to spend what may be his last moments with fellow henchman Roger, who he says is his best friend. Roger, however, disagrees - he thinks Sam's just clingy, and Sam's infuriated when Roger suddenly becomes best buds with henchman Gary. Realizing that they're working for an evil genius, the henchmen decide to retreat - in the opposite direction that Bond went.

Photos by Aaron Francis


Eric Toms

Sam (Ep. 1)

Marcus Elius

James Bond / Roger (Ep. 1)

Harriet Fisher

Heather (Ep. 1)

Peter Fluet

Tom (Ep. 1)

Tim Karasawa

Gary (Ep. 1)