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Jordan Maverick, History Teacher

written by Ryan Gowland
directed by JJ Mayes

There's a new teacher in town. Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.

7 Episodes
Original Run: 3 eps, 3/10/18 - 3/24/18
Playoffs Run: 4 eps, 4/14/18 - 5/5/18

Episode One (3/10/18)

Summary: Jordan Maverick is a pistol-packing cop teacher who prevents a school shooting by shooting the attacker dead. Soon, his captain principal tells him he's being transferred to another precinct district over-run with crime where they need his skills. En route, on the plane, he meets fellow educator Virginia Pitts, who recognizes him as a teacher due to his standard school issue handgun; like all teachers, she's also packing. However, the two get into an argument - he believes that women dont' belong in the male-dominated field of teaching - and they both leave the plane hoping to never seen one another again. When Jordan reports to his new principal, he says he works alone - a policy he's held ever since his first day on the job, when his TA got shot dead. But the principal tells him he's got no choice, and introduces him to his new partner... Virginia.



Photos by Luis Chandia

Episode Two (3/17/18)

Summary: Maverick and Pitts soon prove to be an explosive combination, constantly fighting while dealing with school shootings. And yet there's a spark between them... but Virginia says she'll never love again... not since her old partner and love, Derek, was kidnapped during a vacation in Paris. When Gerry, the principal's nice-guy right-hand man turns up dead of an axe wound at the school dance - and the principal announces that government inspectors are coming to inspect the school today - the volatile pair are going to have to put aside their differences to solve the case and keep the school open.


Episode Three (3/24/18)

Summary: The Secretary of Education arrives and observes Maverick and Virginia's class, and quickly reveals her ignorance. As they leave her to "teach" their class, they go to examine Gerry's body; there are wounds that look like they were made by a protractor, and sure enough, one of geometry teacher Mr. Benbury's protractors is missing. But upon accusing him of the crime, he breaks down - not only didn't he know Gerry was dead, but Gerry was his husband. In search of leads, the duo go to prison to visit the dangerous Dr. Roberts, who Maverick put away some time ago. Maverick agrees to give Roberts his freedom - much to Virginia's horror - in exchange for helping him with the case. Meanwhile, Professor Snowy and Professor Malden arrive, called in to help with the case...



Photos by Andrew Joseph Perez

Episode Four (4/14/18) - Playoffs Round 1!

Summary: Mr. Benbury turns out to be possessed by a murderous ghost; he is tied up while Maverick and Virginia argue with Snowy and Malden; the two pairs of arms teachers are not getting along. As they bicker, Mr. Benbury escapes and takes refuge in the library. There is a shootout, as the librarian tries to shush everyone. How to get rid of this vengeful spirit without killing Mr. Benbury? Who cares? Maverick shoots Mr. Benbury dead. As things calm down, the Secretary of Education arrives, asking what a "library" is. But suddenly, her demeanor changes, and she begins to shriek - possessed by the murderous ghost...



Photos by Sierra Taylor

Episode Five (4/21/18) - Playoffs Round 2!

Summary: The murderous ghost in the Secretary of Education's body gets away as the Chief drags Maverick and Virginia to his office to give them another assignment: going deep, deep undercover as students to fight the opioid crisis. Virginia is worried; the last time she went deep undercover as a student, things got weird, as the faux family went so deep that all three of them forgot their real identities. But into deep cover they go - and only the Chief knows their true identities; he's the only one who can pull them out once they're in. But the moment Maverick and Virginia leave, the vengeful ghost inhabiting the Secretary of Education attacks the Chief...



Photos by Travis Snyder-Eaton

Episode Six (4/28/18) - Playoffs Round 3!

Summary: Virginia once again goes so deep into her cover identity that she forgets herself. Maverick thinks the source of the opioids is school Nurse Carey, but she's only giving students the legal prescription of, uh... one pound. With the Chief in the hospital and struggling for his life, Maverick attempts to confide in the Vice Principal Chief, but she's no help. Meanwhile, Virginia gains the trust of student Natalie, who takes her to the real source of the opioids: the ghost that's currently inhabiting the Secretary of Education. And then Virginia's gun suddenly falls out of her holster, bringing her back to herself... but exposing her identity as a teacher to the ghost and Natalie...



Photos by Travis Snyder-Eaton

Episode Seven (5/5/18) - Playoffs Round 4!

Summary: Two students who say they're pirates now - and are part of a pirate uprising taking over the school - tie up Virginia and Natalie. Virginia has a plan to go back undercover; she tells Natalie if it doesn't work, to tell Maverick that she loves him. Unfortunately, the ghost sees right through Virginia's cover. Meanwhile, Nurse Carey performs successful spinal surgery on the Chief, who is now back up and around. He tells Maverick that the murderous ghost has been haunting the school for quite some time; he's the ghost of a pirate whose gold was melted down and made into one of the trophies at the school; back when he was a teacher, he and the now Vice Principal Chief faced off with the ghost - and he and the Vice Principal began a torrid romance. Maverick visits Professor Malden for advice; he says that the ghost must be tied to the school by the treasure-trophy... so Maverick takes the trophy to the ghost to persuade it to let Virginia go - and he admits that he loves her. But the trophy is not what the ghost wants; he wants to burn the school down. Shockingly, Maverick says that's okay; just let Virginia go first and he'll give him the school. The body of the Chief's good friend Gerry - who Nurse Carey has been "Weekend at Bernie's"-ing around the school so the Chief wouldn't know he was dead - is walked in. Maverick says that if he possesses Gerry, he'll be able to manipulate the Chief and destroy the school from the inside. But when the ghost possesses Gerry's body, the body simply collapses. Maverick reveals his actual plan: since Gerry was already dead, the spirit's attempt to possess it meant the spirit died as well. Perfectly logical! And the shool is saved. Or is it... ? Enter Dr. Roberts, who Maverick freed back in Episode 3. It is Dr. Roberts, not the ghost, who has persuaded the students to become pirates. And now that he has control of the student body, the school is his...


Photos by Jax Ball


Peter Fluet Jordan (Eps. 1-7)
Ryan Gowland Chief / Supervisor (Eps. 1-5 & 7)
Rebecca Larsen Virginia (Eps. 1 & 4-7)
Carrie Keranen Virginia (Ep. 2)
Kristyn Evelyn Virginia (Ep. 3)
Erin Matthews Flight Attendant (Eps. 1 & 3)
Nurse Carey (Eps. 3 & 6)
Amanda Blake Davis Nurse Carey (Ep. 7)
Arnie Pantoja Pablo (Ep. 1)
JJ Mayes Janitor (Ep. 1)
Gerry (Eps. 2-3 & 7)
Guard (Ep. 3)
Librarian (Ep. 4)
Madeleine Heil Natalie (Eps. 2 & 6-7)
Andrew Hawtrey Derek (Ep. 2)
Professor Malden (Ep. 4)
Mr. Joshua (Ep. 5)
Shroud / Secretary of Education (Ep. 7)
Jean Black Secretary of Education (Eps. 3-6)
Professor Snowy (Eps. 3-4)
Miss Anderson (Ep. 5)
Jim Neib Mr. Benbury (Eps. 3-4)
Professor Malden (Ep. 7)
Brendan Hunt Dr. Roberts (Ep. 3)
Michael Shaw Fisher Dr. Roberts (Ep. 7)
Julia Griswold Darla (Eps. 3 & 6)
Uber Driver (Ep. 3)
Colin Hughes Paul / Professor Malden (Ep. 3)
Scott Golden Mr. Andrew (Eps. 6-7)
Travis Snyder-Eaton Student (Ep. 6)
Student Pirate (Ep. 7)
Cj Merriman Vice Principal Chief (Eps. 6-7)