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Nazareth High

written & directed by Mike Hadge

A look at Jesus Christ's tumultuous high school years.

Next Time: Episode 5
Original Run: 3 eps, 12/2/17 - 1/20/18
Playoffs Run: 2 eps, 4/7/18 & 4/21/18

Episode One (12/2/17)

Summary: After failing to have a transformative coming-of-age summer, pals Pete and Carlos return to Nazareth High for senior year. Nebbishy Pete doesn't know how to get a girlfriend, and his confident friend Carlos is just full of bluster on the subject. Pete has a crush on Deandra, but she doesn't know he exists, and she's dating Zeke, who is gay... which she's in denial about. The duo also have a run-in with class bully Dirk and his horny girlfriend Mags. Everyone wonders about the new kid - who turns out to be a teenage Jesus Christ. Jesus is nervous to be the new kid, and and is quickly humiliated when he trips and drops his books. Looks like this is going to be one eventful year...



Photos by Nathan Wellman

Episode Two (12/9/17)

Summary: Jesus has a rough first day of school, with Dirk Strongo and his goons getting in his face... though when Dirk tries to punch him, the tables are turned... and Mary Magdalene is turned on. Pete and Carlos befriend Jesus, who says he's going to ask Mary to the Papooli from Full House Memorial Hoedown Dance. When the guys warn him about Mary's promiscuous ways, Jesus, who thinks Mary's just a troubled soul, takes a bet that he can reform her and turn her into a "proper lady" by the time of the dance. The guys also suggest that Jesus run for class president against Dirk and wonder if he can play sports to get people's attention. A training montage shows that Jesus is unusually good at all the sports, and Pete declares that soon, nobody will be able to walk down the halls of Nazareth High without hearing the name "Jesus Christ."



Photos by Travis Snyder-Eaton

Episode Three (1/20/18)

Summary: Jesus asks his parents to help with his problems with bullies and girls, but they're no help at all. In the process, they accidentally spill the beans that Jesus isn't really their son. Later, Jesus begins to attempt to reform Mags, while Dirk plans revenge for his humiliation at Jesus' hands.


Photos by Jax Ball

Episode Four (4/7/18) - Playoffs Round 1!

Summary: Jesus is a bit disappointed in Pete and Carlos' campaign to get his name known for the student body election, as it basically just consists of Pete getting markers to make signs on paper; the other students have better signs with clever slogans. After yet another threat from Dirk, Jesus meets with Mags and begins trying to find the "proper" lady underneath. After a montage, it's time for the dance...



Photos by Andrew Joseph Perez

Episode Five (4/21/18) - Playoffs Round 2!

Summary: It's finally time for the Papouli From Full House Memorial Dance, and Jesus presents the reformed Mary - except she hasn't changed at all. Dirk and his thugs interrupt; when they hang a sign that says "Jesus Suks," Principal Nedermeyer blames Jesus for causing a ruckus and drags him to his office, while Dirk celebrates being king of the school once again.


Photos by Travis Snyder-Eaton


Lucas Alifano Jesus (Eps. 1 & 3-5)
Alon Dina Jesus (Ep. 2)
Thaddeus (Ep. 4)
David Mayes Carlos Wong (Eps. 1-5)
Alli Miller Mags Magdalene (Eps. 1-5)
Austin Kress Dirk Strongo (Eps. 1-3 & 5)
Tim Kopacz Dirk Strongo (Ep. 4)
Fenster (Ep. 5)
Meghan Allison Deandra Malone (Eps. 1 & 4-5)
Sarah Zuk Lashawna (Eps. 1 & 4-5)
Deandra Malone (Ep. 2)
Connor Pratt Fenster Biggles (Eps. 1-2 & 4)
Ross Gallo Thaddeus Chomp (Ep. 1)
Corey Klemow Zeke (Ep. 1)
Thaddeus (Eps. 2 & 5)
Mark Jacobson Peter Anthewolf (Eps. 1-3 & 5)
Garrett Botts Peter Anthewolf (Ep. 4)
Principal Nedermeyer (Ep. 5)
Michael Shaw Fisher Mrs. Randy-Newman (Ep. 2)
Jeff Scot Carey Joseph (Ep. 3)
Emily Clark Mary (Ep. 3)
Travis Snyder-Eaton Kid (Ep. 5)