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Playoffs Serial:

It's About Time

written by Pam Eberhardt
directed by Jeff Scot Carey

The best dating app... of all time.

8 Episodes
Original Run: 6 eps, 10/6/18 - 11/10/18
Playoffs Run: 2 eps, 4/20/19 - 4/27/19

Episode One (10/6/18)

Summary: Teenage Meghan gets a date via a new dating app called "It's About Time" - and the two suddenly vanish. When Meghan's friends Lucas and Pam and little sister Emily check the app seconds later, they find that Damian is from 1985 - and Meghan's in the picture with him! The only logical explanation is that he's taken her back to 1985 with him. Fortunately, Pam has a haunted magic guitar, and they play an 80s medley in order to transport themselves to the 1980s. It works... but the 1980s are a big and scary place. How will they find Meghan?



Photos by Allena Braithwaite

Episode Two (10/13/18)

Summary: After a week of searching, they find Meghan, none the worse for wear. Damian, suddenly creepy, tells them just before he leaves that Meghan will always come back to him. Meghan checks the app again and swipes right on another date - Walt Disney himself, who, like Damian before him, appears immediately - and the two vanish together for a date at Disney World. Pam, Lucas and Emily sing a Disney medley accompanied by the magic guitar so they can follow - but they're unaware that Damian has snuck up behind them at the medley's climax and will be coming along for the ride...



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Three (10/20/18)

Summary: The friends arrive at Disney World, where Damian tells them they can find Meghan on TV. They turn on the TV to find a frightened Meghan at Walt's side; she is obviously his captive, but Walt is claiming she's his girlfriend in order to seem like more of a normal guy. The friends decide that clearly, Meghan and Walt are inside the television, so they use the magic guitar to sing a medley of TV theme songs to get inside the television themselves. But it's a trap planned by both Damian and Walt to trap them inside the television. While the friends watch helplessly from behind the screen, Damian and Walt gloat - but then argue over the one part of the plan they don't agree on: which of them gets Meghan. Walt draws a gun and goes to shoot Damian, but Meghan gets in the way...



Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Four (10/27/18)

Summary: Meghan has died from the gunshot, and Lucas, Emily and Pam mourn, left alone with nothing but Meghan's phone to remember her by. They try to think of a medley that will bring Meghan back to life, but realize that what they really need to do is discover the magic guitar's origins. This leads them to a graveyard, where they sing a medley of Halloween songs. This transports them to hell... where the Devil takes an interest in Pam. Pam, mesmerized by the Devil, decides to stay in hell with him when he asks her out. Pam, who has been in love with Meghan this whole time and is tired of pining for somebody who will never be interested in her, agrees... and then Pam casually slits Emily's throat at the Devil's command. Lucas, left alone with Emily's body, turns to the It's About Time app in desperation, trying to find someone who can bring Emily back to life... and can't believe who he finds. So he swipes right on God himself, who suddenly appears, ready for a date with Meghan...



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Five (11/03/18)

Summary: God breaks the trance the Devil has ensnared Pam with, and decides it's time to kill the Devil. As the Devil loves the Rolling Stones, the best way to kill him is with a Beatles medley. However, God is an absolutely terrible singer; it turns out that nobody until now was willing to tell him so, what with him being God and all. Pam and Lucas need a third person to sing the medley to bring down the Devil, but with Emily dead they turn to the audience for "another Emily who can sing." And in the audience they just happen to find former Vine star Emily Parks, who sings the medley with them. The song kills the devil - but Pam is saddened, as the Devil is still the only man who has ever loved her.



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Six (11/10/18)

Summary: God leaves, apologizing that he can't tell Lucas and Pam how to bring Meghan and Emily back to life. They decide they need to find out more about the powers of the magic guitar, which Emily had brought at a swap meet. They consult the app, and swipe right on the dude Emily bought the guitar from; he appears and advises the to sing a medley of songs about life. This works; Meghan and Emily are revived, and even join in the medley. The friends want to know more about the magic guitar, but the dude isn't the guitar's first owner; he bought it at a pawn shop that burned down in 1998. So they decide to use the magic guitar to go to 1997...

In this episode, actor Taylor Piedmonte, who played the "Dude," was the 1300th actor to appear in Serial Killers!


Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Seven (4/20/19) - Playoffs Round 2!

Summary: In 2069, Pam's grandchildren ask her to tell them about the magic guitar. She begins playing a 90s medley, and is somehow joined by the younger Emily and Lucas in 1999. The guitar sends the kids to 1999 - and moments later, Pam arrives as well, looking younger - and with Meghan in tow! She saved her life by going back in time to just seconds before she was killed, and then brought her to 1999. But what to do now? The cast takes suggestions from the audience for their next medley for the destination next week, and though Pam insists she has a Sara Bareilles medley ready to go, she takes the suggestion of a Broadway medley. Why does Pam look younger while the kids are the same age they were? Why did Pam wait until 2069 to go save Meghan's life? These and other questions will not be answered in the next episode of... It's About Time! (Or, really, ever.)



Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Eight (4/27/19) - Playoffs Round 3!

Summary: Meghan's missing again! It seems she swiped right on Jerry Seinfeld, so they sing a medley of Broadway songs to take them to New York - but it doesn't quite work, so they sing a medley of Sondheim songs and that does the trick. But when they find Seinfeld, he says that moments into their date, someone else came along and took Meghan away. The culprit is the Devil, who Pam is still smitten with - and when he proposes to Pam, she quickly says yes. The Devil also informs Seinfeld that their contract is up, and banishes him to Hell. And it's going to take another medley to find Meghan...


Photos by Jessie Bias


Jeff Scot Carey Lucas (Eps. 1 & 6)
Walt Disney (Eps. 2-3)
The Devil (Ep. 8)
Lucas Alifano Lucas (Eps. 2-5 & 7-8)
Pam Quinn Pam (Eps. 1-8)
Grandma (Ep. 7)
Emily Clark Emily (Eps. 1-4 & 6-8)
Meghan Allison Meghan (Eps. 1-3 & 6-7)
Reagan Wallace Damian (Eps. 1-3)
Isaac Deakyne Announcer (Eps. 3 & 6)
Eric Curtis Johnson The Devil (Eps. 4-5)
Victor Isaac God (Eps. 4-6)
Emily Parks The Emily From the Audience (Ep. 5)
Taylor Piedmonte Dude (Ep. 6)
Kim Dalton Child 1 (Eps. 7-8)
Isaac Deakyne Child 2 (Eps. 7-8)
Tim Kopacz Jerry Seinfeld (Ep. 8)