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Playoffs Champion!

Three Guys, One Groupon

written by J. Bailey Burcham
directed by Rebecca Larsen

Three guys try to choose a Groupon. Enjoy it, yeah?!

7 Episodes
Original Run: 3 eps, 3/9/19 - 3/23/19
Playoffs Run: 4 eps, 4/13/19 - 5/4/19

Episode One (3/9/19)

Summary: Three Midwestern pals attempt to decide what Groupon to buy that they can all use together. Geoff lets the group know how he prefers his name to be pronounced. At one point, Craigory asks, "Do ya ever think about the patriarchy?" To which the answer is "Yup." And then they move on. After more Groupon discussion, they see someone across the street being shot... and then go back to the Groupon discussion. Geoff is happy when Craigory and Stan remember how to pronounce his name. The three pals, still having made no decision about the Groupon, smile and hold hands.


Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Two (3/16/19)

Summary: The guys find a Groupon they're interested in, but it's for four people, not three. They call another friend, but he's not available. They consider going to a bar they like instead - one that serves chocolate - but Geoff says that wouldn't be fair to Groupon and might hurt its feelings. The other guys agree. Suddenly, Stan looks mortified. He shares that he just shit his pants. There is a brief pause... and then Craigory and Geoff compliment him on it to alleviate his embarassment. Stan is moved that he has such good friends. The three pals smile and hold hands.



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Three (3/23/19)

Summary: The guys decide not to get a groupon for ice cream 'cause of Craigory's lactoce intolerance. When they see an attractive woman jog by, it elicits comments from the guys about what they'd like to do to her: tell her what a nice person she seems like and invite her 'round to play Uno with their wives. When a UFO passes overhead, the guys are stunned, but Geoff brings the conversation back to earth. After more banter, the three guys smile and hold hands - not noticing the woman jogging by again, attempting to flirt with them, and then giving up and moving on.



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Four (4/13/19) - Playoffs Round 1!

Summary: Stan and Craigory are hanging out iwth their friend Jeremy while Geoff is with his family for the day. None of them really know how to work the groupon without Geoff around, but still, a nice day is had by all.



Photos by Jax Ball

Episode Five (4/20/19) - Playoffs Round 2!

Summary: Craigory, Stan and Jeremy find a groupon for pottery classes, and it's for three people! They almost use the groupon, but then worry that if Geoff comes back while they're gone, he'll be sad, so they save the groupon for later. Jeremy says his latest ex-wife is coming over, and everybody, including Jeremy, is happy at the thought of seeing her. She's so nice. And so's the insurance adjuster that all of Jeremy's past wives have left him for. When a woman jogs by, a man makes lewd comments, drawing the confusion of the three friends. When the man insults them and then slaps the obviously uncomfortable woman on the ass, Stan follows him. The woman leaves after the other guys check that she's okay. Stan returns with his arms covered with blood from cutting off the guy's balls and watching him bleed out. The other guys nod in approval, and the friends all hold hands, sitting back to enjoy the rest of the day.



Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Six (4/27/19) - Playoffs Round 3!

Summary: Geoff returns and meets Jeremy, and they instantly become fast friends. However, there are only three chairs, and they each insist the other take the chair - leading Craigory and Stan to worry that things are getting too heated, so the two find a way to share the chair. After the guys decide to bring their wives along for the next friendship day - and Jeremy decides to bring his ex-wife and her new husband - Stan talks about how much he wants to have a child. Craigory and Geoff reaffirm that they'd be willing to be adopted by Stan, who says he's still planning on doing that... but he really wants a child he can hold and raise from the first day of its life. Soon, Mindy, Craigory's wife, arrives, saying she's got news for Stan from his wife Tricia...



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Seven (5/4/19) - Playoffs Round 4!

Summary: Stan is thrilled to learn that Tricia is pregnant and he's going to be a father. They find a groupon for six, but realize they need to find something for seven so Groupon can participate as well. Craigory bird watches through binoculars and shares the joys of bird watching with Stan. The wives arrive and Stan tenderly rests his ear on Tricia's belly to listen to his unborn child. Suddenly, Craigory gets a message on his phone. It's from the Gods of Groupon, informing him that they are going to grant him one wish. And so Craigory wishes that everybody in the world could have friends as good as his friends. Everyone holds hands and sighs, contented.



Photos by Nathan Wellman


Cj Merriman Stan (Eps. 1-7)
Amanda Blake Davis Geoff (Eps. 1-3 & 7)
Rebecca Larsen Craigory (Eps. 1-7)
Ash Tholpady Woman (Ep. 3)
Erin Matthews Jeremy (Eps. 4-6)
Tim Kopacz Woman (Ep. 5)
Carrie Keranen Man (Ep. 5)
Ryan Gowland Mindy (Eps. 6-7)
Matthew Bohrer Tricia (Ep. 7)
Jonathan Mark Weber Joanne (Ep. 7)