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written by Terry Tocantins
directed by Jaime Robledo

3 Episodes
2/24/07 - 4/7/07

He’s fighting crime one day at a time.

- Photos -    - Video -


Victor Isaac

Jim Klein: Temp Cop (Eps. 1-2)

Andrea Kim Walker

Rachel Klein: Temp Cop (Ep. 3)

Bryan Krasner

Crooner (Eps. 1-3)

Scott Leggett

Sgt. O'Malley (Eps. 1-3)

Joe Hendrix

8-Ball (Eps. 1-3)

Heather Witt

Karen (Eps. 1-3)

Jaime Andrews

Donna (Eps. 1-3)

Paul Plunkett

Detective Stewart (Eps. 1-3)

Jaime Robledo

Cortez (Eps. 1-3)

Ariel Francis

Amy the Kid (Ep. 2)

Aaron Francis

Homeless Guy (Ep. 2)

Rebecca Larsen

Miss Utah (Ep. 3)

Richard Levinson

The White Paul Williams (Ep. 3)
"Theme From Temp Cop" - by Ian Riddel & Terry Tocantins
"The Nameless City" - by Richard Levinson & Terry Tocantins
"Charity Song" - by Richard Levinson & Terry Tocantins


Jim Klein: Temp Cop (Victor Isaac)
and his woman Karen (Heather Witt)

The Crooner (Bryan Krasner) sings the theme song.

Donna (Jaime Andrews) from the agency
calls Temp Cop in on a new assignment.

From Episode One (2-24-07)

Sgt. O'Malley (Scott Leggett) tells Temp Cop how
things work around here... and who used to work here.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!
Jump to next video -

Detective Stewart (Paul Plunkett) can't
get felon 8-Ball (Joe Hendrix) to talk.

Stewart brings Temp Cop up to speed.
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

Temp Cop gets 8-Ball to talk with the
help of a temp's best friend... coffee.

Oh, no!  Stewart has betrayed Temp Cop
to the notorious Cortez (Jaime Robledo)!
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode One (2-24-07)

In the clutches of Cortez.  And the time for games of
childhood are over.  Which childhood games... ?
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Jim's late for his stakeout.  But he knows where
it is and how to get there from where he's at.
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode Two (3-24-07)

The song of the Nameless City, sung by the Crooner
and keyboardist/composer Richard Levinson.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

From Episode Two (3-24-07)

Temp Cop interrogates 8-Ball's baby sister, Amy
(Ariel Francis).  Do her parents know she's here?
Click on the picture to watch this scene!
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode Two (3-24-07)

Cortez thinks Temp Cop is
played out!  How played out... ?
Click on the picture to watch this scene!
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

Heather's mad at Jim and looking for "that cheating son of
a bitch," i.e. Jim Klein, Temp Cop.  That BASTARD!
- Photo on right by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode Three (4-7-07)

Cortez and Heather hit it off.  No thanks to Detective Stewart.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

When Jim goes missing, it's a job for his sister -
Rachel Klein: Temp Cop (Andrea Kim Walker).
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode Three (4-7-07)

But first, a musical interlude from
the White Paul Williams (Richard Levinson)
and Miss Utah (Rebecca Larsen),
making a plea for charity and kindness.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!
- Photos by C.M. Gonzalez -

From Episode Three (4-7-07)

More memories of Esai... and high school.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!
- Photo by C.M. Gonzalez -

When 8-Ball suggests making
Rachel his "Rodney Queen,"
she gets all Pam Grier on his ass.
- Photos by C.M. Gonzalez -

When Rachel discovers her brother's girlfriend in the arms
of Cortez, a catfight ensues.  And that's pretty much
where the story will be left 'cause this was the final episode.
- Photos by C.M. Gonzalez -