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adapted by David Mayes
directed by JJ Mayes

3 Episodes
12/8/07 - 1/26/08

Grab a pen and pad - it's time to take some notes.


Joe Fria

Nick Casanova (Eps. 1-3)

Dan Wingard

Dan the Assistant (Eps. 1-3)

Franci Montogmery

Candy (Eps. 1-3)

Peter Alton

Scary Neighbor (Ep. 1)
Roomate's Boyfriend (Ep. 2)

David Mayes

Game Loser (Ep. 1)

Jaime Andrews

Woman (Ep. 1)
Sally (Ep. 2)

Carrie Wiita

Kathy (Ep. 2)

David Mayes & Ryan Ganjas

Guys on Couch (Ep. 2)

Jaime Andrews
Peter Alton
Carrie Wiita,
Kat Bardot
Christine Cowden
Addi Gaash
Fleur Phillips
Bryan Krasner
Jaime Robledo
Victor Isaac

People in the Slides (Ep. 3)

by C.M. Gonzalez

EPISODE ONE (12/8/07)

Amazon.com's 3000th best-selling novelist and
professional womanizer, Nick Casanova (Joe Fria).

Dan (Dan Wingard), Nick's A/V Assistant and
hopeful protégé.  Let's see how he's been doing!

Candy (Franci Montgomery) introduces the first strategy.

If you pretend it's your birthday, you can ask for a birthday kiss!
(Pictured: Dan Wingard & Jaime Andrews)

This one's more hardcore.

Get a tough-looking friend (Peter Alton) to pretend
to be a mugger while you're on your date, then
"rescue" her from him!  What could go wrong?

EPISODE TWO  (12/15/07)

This week's tips for getting laid:  "Home Movies" - Get her in the mood with a porno.
"Sneaking Into Her Roomate's Room After Your Girlfriend Has Fallen Asleep" - self-explanatory.

EPISODE THREE  (1/26/08)

Dan - says Nick - had to fight through
a wall of pussy to get here tonight.

This week: Challenge your buddy to a "scoring contest."