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Written & Directed by Aaron Francis
Conceived by Scott Thewes & Aaron Francis
Puppets by Scott Thewes

1 Episode

A magnificent puppet adventure of epic proportions with
a simple message: If your love is taken from you… go find it.

Scott Thewes, Jamey Hood,
Aaron Francis & Pamda Bhaer

by C.M. Gonzalez

Two lovers talk; she wants to go on an adventure,
but he's worried about her safety.

They find a box in the ground and open it - and a
light rises out of it and flies straight up into the sky.

The couple share a kiss, but moments later...

...a monster grabs the woman and spirits her away!

Bereft that his love has been taken from him, a
passing old man counsels him to look into his heart...

...where he finds... a ruby?