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written & directed by
Padraic Duffy & Scott Leggett

Sound Design by Jaime Robledo

2 Episodes
10/4/08 - 10/11/08

The end of the world was just the beginning.


Carrie Wiita

Rose (Eps. 1-2)

Andrew Bentler

Ben (Ep. 1)

Eric Johnson

The Man/Alec (Eps. 1-2)

Emily Kosloski

Narrator (Eps. 1-2)

Julia Griswold

Little Girl (Ep. 1)

Bryan Krasner

Soldier (Ep. 1)
Craw (Ep. 2)

Jaime Robledo

Dying Soldier (Ep. 1)

Stephen Simon

Dragon King (Ep. 2)

Michael Holmes

Mr. Means (Ep. 2)

Michael Holmes

Mr. Means (Ep. 2)

Hans Gelpke
Jaime Robledo

Puppeteers (Eps. 1-2)

Julia Griswold
Philip Newby

Puppeteers (Ep. 2)

by C.M. Gonazlez

EPISODE ONE (10/4/08)

There was once a terrible war, in
which humanity was nearly wiped out.

One day, the war suddenly ended, and the children who had
known nothing but terror were now kept safe by their parents.

One girl, Rose (Carrie Wiita), sensed there was something wrong
with her parents... but she could never figure out just what it was.

She confided her concerns to her school friend Ben (Andrew Bentler),
but he didn't understand her.  Rose asked him if he could even remember
the past, how she got here, when anybody has ever moved here -
but like her, all she knows is "now."  Ben couldn't see the problem.
After all, "now" is pretty darned good.

Then one day, Rose encountered a man (Eric Johnson),
the first real adult she'd ever seen.  He frightened her.

The man told her she was destined to save The Actual.
And gave her a rose - "Whoever has the rose has the voice."
It's the only way Rose can ever find "her."  But who?

And suddenly, she heard the voice that had
been narrating her story.  It was her mother...
and she told Rose to find her.

EPISODE TWO (10/11/08)

The man, whose name is Alex and may be Rose's father,
explains that the blank-faced people are the Synths -
synthetic people who replaced humans in the workplace.
"The Actual" are the human resistance.

The Dragon King (Stephen Simon) and his captive.  He loves
the letter H - "it's like a sexy dictionary blowing in your ear."

Rose, with narrative help from her mother, slays the dragon.

Rose befriends the Dragon King's captive.

Meanwhile, in a large factory, Craw (Bryan Krasner) and his flunky, the
twitchy Mr. Means (Michael Holmes), plot to kill the surviving children.