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by Corey Klemow & Friends
directed by Corey Klemow

9 Episodes
Original Run:  6 Episodes - 9/19/09 - 10/24/09
Playoffs:  3 Episodes - 5/29/10 - 6/12/10

C30, C60, C90 GO!
All my love to long ago.

Corey Klemow


Corey Klemow and the actual cassette player upon
which the sketches herein were originally improvised.

Episode 1: "Intergalactic Report" (9/19/09)
by Corey Klemow & Chad Rademan
Photo by Aaron Francis

Joseph Beck

John George

Eric Johnson

Darth Vader

and the voices of Adam Bender
& Chad Rademan as Themselves

Darth Vader (Eric Johnson) is interviewed by John George (Joseph Beck).
John George asks him the tough questions - like, why does he hate Luke Skywalker so much?

Listen to the original audio, circa 1981.

with Corey Klemow as "John George" and Chad Rademan as "Darth Vader"

Episode 2 (9/26/09):
"General Putton" by Corey Klemow & Chad Rademan
"This Is Basketball" by Corey Klemow & Adam Bender
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

Joseph Beck

John Smith

David LM McIntyre

General Putton

Eric Johnson

Sports Reporter

Scott Leggett

Larry Bird

Victor Isaac

Dr. J
Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Brian Wallis

Newsflash Reporter

and the voice of Adam Bender as Himself

General Putton (David LM McIntyre) is
interviewed by John Smith (Joseph Beck).

The interview.

This Is Basketball!

Eric Johnson as the Sports Reporter.

Larry Bird (Scott Leggett), stuck in the basket.

Dr. J (Victor Isaac), operating on the ball.

The suspiciously similar Kareem Abdul Jabbar (Victor Isaac).

"Let's have a newsflash.  All these Martians are stealing all the
baskets from basketball!  What are you prepared to do, Commissioner?"

This week's cast (including Brian Wallis as the Newsflash Reporter).

Listen to the original audios, circa 1980.

with Chad Rademan as "John Smith" and Corey Klemow as "General Putton"

with Adam Bender as "Sports Reporter" and Corey Klemow as Everyone Else

Episode 3: "Cousin Jason" (10/3/09):
by Corey Klemow & Jason Greenberg

featuring the voice of Jason Greenberg as Himself

Yay, Pirate Club!

About Jason

Listen to the original audio, circa 1979.

Episode 4: "News, Weather & Interviews" (10/10/09):
by Corey Klemow & Jason Greenberg

Eric Johnson


Victor Isaac


David LM McIntyre


Joe Fria

Bill Bixby

Matt Valle

The Blizzard Wizard

Brian Wallis & Ari Radousky

"Collapsing" Actors / TV Blooper Announcers

Jason (Eric Johnson) and Chaim (Victor Isaac) talk about their favorite foods.

"Here we are now about the Iranian situation."

An interview with Latke (David LM McIntyre).

An interview with Bill Bixby (Joe Fria)... or possibly Dr. Banner.

Collapsing: The Movie (starring Ari Radousky and Brian Wallis).

Not pictured: Matt Valle as "The Blizzard Wizard"

Listen to the original audio, circa 1982.

with Jason Greenberg & Corey Klemow

Episode 5: "Susquehanna River Flooding" (10/17/09):
by Corey Klemow & Chad Rademan

Eric Johnson

George George

Jaime Andrews

Grace Johnson

Aaron Mendelson

George the PA

and featuring the voice of Chad Rademan

George George (Eric Johnson) reports on the flooding.

Distraught flood survivor Grace Johnson (Jaime Andrews).

Grace makes an important correction:  "I didn't
have a parakeet... I HAD A MYNA BIRD!"

George the PA (Aaron Mendelson) - boy, Chad sure had a
thing about the name George - leads a sobbing Grace away.

George George drowns as the waters reach the studio.

Listen to the original audio, circa 1981.

with Chad Rademan as "George George" & Corey Klemow as "Grace Johnson"

Episode 6: "The Greatest Show on Mars" (10/24/09):
by Corey Klemow
, Aaron Greenbaum & Michael Yelen

Joe Fria

Abducted Man

Sean Sweeney

The Martian

Eric Johnson


Joseph Beck


Natascha Corrigan

Jingle Singer

Bryan Krasner

The Strongest Man in the World

and featuring the voices of Adam Bender,
Michael Yelen, Miriam Kaplan & Aaron Greenbaum

The Martian (Sean Sweeney).

The Abducted Man (Joe Fria), shortly before being eaten by the Martian.

The Greatest Show on Mars!

Chaim (Eric Johnson) steals Michael Yelen's (Joseph Beck)
idea to do a news story about an airplane.

Corey explains about the "magic mirror" on his wall
that temporarily distracted him and Michael.

Commercial break with the Jingle Singer (Natascha Corrigan).

The Strongest Man in the World (Bryan Krasner).

"Remember our motto, dear Martians..."

Listen to the original audios, circa 1981.

"The Martians" with Aaron Greenbaum

"The Greatest Show on Mars" with Corey Klemow & Michael Yelen

Episode 7: "A Jumble of Memories" (5/29/10):
by Corey Klemow, Chad Rademan, Jason Greenberg, Mark Epstein, Aaron Greenbaum & Adam Bender

Joseph Beck

"Piano Time" Host

Richard Levinson

Hiccup Brady

Brian Wallis & Ari Radousky

"Collapsing" Actors

Eric Johnson & Colin Willkie

Singing Monks

Curt Bonnem & David LM McIntyre


Matt Valle

The Blizzard Wizard

Victor Isaac

Wrong Hand Man

Henry Dittman

Venus Station

and featuring the voices of Adam Bender & Chad Rademan

Hiccup Brady (Richard Levinson) and the host of "Piano Time" (Joseph Beck)

Once again, Collapsing: The Movie (starring Ari Radousky and Brian Wallis).

The Singing Monks of Det-Sen (Eric Johnson & Colin Willkie).

The Poets (Curt Bonnem & David LM McIntyre) face off over Herman Munster poetry.

"Today is going to be mostly sunny with a high in the mid 66... tonight's going
to be snow, wet snow, and that's two inches, and two inches upwards."
Local weatherman the Blizzard Wizard (Matt Valle).

The Wrong Hand Man (Victor Isaac), talkin' about his left and right hands.  Is his right hand
right or is his right hand wrong?  Or is his left hand wrong?  No, his left hand's left...

"This is the planet Venus reporting.  We're sorry, we were on
the wrong station!"  (Henry Dittman as "Venus Station")

Listen to the original audio, circa 1981.

"Piano Time" with Chad Rademan

Episode 8: "August 27, 1982 / Creativity and Madness" (6/5/10):
by Corey Klemow & Adam Bender

Gregory Guy Gordon


Eric Johnson


Angela Lingrosso


Colin Willkie

Baseball Hat Guy

Pat Towne

"Waffleman" Announcer

and featuring the voice of Adam Bender

Corey (center) with childhood friend Adam Bender (Gregory Guy Gorden)
and his childhood self (Eric Johnson).

"Guess who's in town?  FLIP WILSON!"  The Baseball Hat Guy (Colin Willkie)
just got his cap knocked off by the Prankster (Angela Lingrosso).

Pat Towne as the "Waffleman" Announcer

Listen to the original audio, circa 1982.

"August 27, 1982" with Adam Bender & Corey Klemow

Episode 9: "Foreign Affairs, 1973: Mr. Wong" (6/12/10):
by Corey Klemow & Chad Rademan

Jaime Andrews


Paul Plunkett


Eric Johnson


Pat Towne

Mr. Wong

Joseph Beck


and featuring the voice of Adam Bender

Corey's sister Dara (Jaime Andrews) sings a song she wrote when she was eight.

Dara's song.

R-L: "Foreign Affairs" correspondent George (Eric Johnson) interviews the
Chinese U.N. diplomat Mr. Wong (Pat Towne) as his translator (Joseph Beck) looks on.

Corey wrote to Chad (Paul Plunkett), who provides his own perspective
on tonight's sketch... as Chad currently lives in Hong Kong.

Mr. Wong is easily angered, and administers many karate chops when insulted.

Chad today.

Corey, Chad and "Mr. Wong."

Listen to the original audio, circa 1981.

"Foreign Affairs, 1973: Mr. Wong" with Chad Rademan as "George"
and "Mr. Wong" and Corey Klemow as "Translator"