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written by Peter Fluet
directed by Scott Leggett

5 Episodes
Original Run: 4 Episodes - 2/5/11 - 3/19/11
Playoffs: 1 Episode - 5/21/11

Let the mind fit the crime.


Peter Fluet

Danny (Eps. 1-4)

Bryan Krasner

Owen (Eps. 1-5)

Scott Leggett

Grey (Eps. 1-4)

Jamie Fluet

Lydia (Eps. 1-5)

Carrie Keranen

Isabella (Eps. 1-5)

Corey Klemow

Tim (Geek Squad) (Eps. 1-4)

Victor Isaac

Cole (Pizza Guy) (Eps. 1-4)

Jaime Andrews

Isabella's Mom (Ep. 2)
Agent Calhoune (Eps. 3-4)

Bruno Oliver

Kidnapper X (Ep. 2)
Agent Corrigan (Ep. 4)

Jaime Robledo

Isabella's Dad (Ep. 2)

Curt Bonnem

Teddy (Ep. 2)

Matt Valle

Chris (Eps. 2-4)

Brendan Patterson

Pumatar (Ep. 2)

Pat Towne

Agent Corrigan (Eps. 3 & 5)

EPISODE ONE (2/5/11)
Photos by Jacob Sidney
Video by Adina Valerio

SUMMARY:  Danny and Owen are roomies.  Owen's a caterer, but he's bored with his job... so to make rent, he kidnaps Isabella, a diplomat's daughter from the fancy event he's catered.  Meanwhile, it transpires that Danny's not really a nonprofit fundraiser... he's a thug sent to extort money for gambling debts.  He tries to get money from bartender Grey, but his heart's not in his work.  Grey's unexpectedly understanding... until he discovers that Danny's been dating his daughter, Lydia.  Meanwhile, Owen's kidnapping is a disaster, and Isabella berates him for his incompetence.  Owen has called in the Geek Squad for help on sending an untraceable ransom note via Email; upon realizing his error, he kidnaps the guy, and later kidnaps the pizza guy as well.

Roomies Danny (Peter Fluet) and Owen (Bryan Krasner). Bartender Grey (Scott Leggett) helps Danny work him over. Danny's paramour Lydia (Jamie Fluet) is Grey's daughter. Owen ends up kidnapping the pizza guy (Victor Isaac) and the Geek Squad guy (Corey Klemow) in addition to Isabella (Carrie Keranen).

Danny teaches Grey a harsh lesson about not paying gambling debts.

Owen begins his hamfisted kidnapping attempt with a GMail ransom note.

EPISODE TWO (2/12/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Jay Bogdanowitsch

SUMMARY:  Grey gives Danny a choice - quit his mobster job, or stop seeing his daughter.  Meanwhile, Owen sends his ransom note to Isabella's mother.  Owen's only asking enough for rent and utilities, offending Isabella, who says she's worth more.  Isabella's mother is distracted when it turns out her husband has also been kidnapped by an apparent professional who is asking for millions... but undercuts Owen by dropping his demand to $400.  When Isabella's mom clicks on a pop-up ad featuring the Pumatar, Owen's laptop is fried - the pop-up had a virus.  "This isn't my computer," wails Owen.  "Danny's gonna kill me!"  Meanwhile, Danny meets with his boss, Teddy, and the psychopathic Chris.  Danny says he wants to quit, and Chris agrees - but only after Danny agrees to one last job.  Teddy's gotten word from a friend in Colombia that somebody's kidnapped Isabella, and he wants whoever it is found... and rubbed out.

Grey gives Danny an ultimatum. How much does he really love Lydia? A vision of loveliness.  'I hate you, stupid floor!' Owen sends his IP-encrypted GMail ransom note. 'Game faces, everyone.' 'You know she can't see you through the EMail, right?' However, he decides to accept a video chat reply. Isabella's mom (Jaime Andrews) can't work the computer. Another kidnapping - Isabella's dad (Jaime Robledo) with Kidnapper X (Bruno Oliver). Asking for $3 million.  Or at least $400. Isabella's mom is unimpressed with all of them. She's going to click on the pop-up ad. Danny's mob pals - psychopathic Chris (Matt Valle) and Teddy (Curt Bonnem). Time to find whoever kidnapped Isabella... and rub them out.

Grey teaches Danny a lesson about dating his daughter.

Owen takes action and demands a ransom via video chat.

Photos by Annette Fasone
Video by Jay Bogdanowitsch

SUMMARY:  As Danny and Chris set out in search of Isabella, Chris decides he needs a soda pop because his blood sugar is low... so they stop at Danny's, where Owen is engaging his captors in a game of Uno.  Danny comes upstairs first... and then puts Chris in a sleeper hold, knocking him out before he can see Isabella.  "You've fucking killed us!" cries Danny.  Meanwhile, FBI agents Calhoune and Corrigan, who are also looking for Isabella, question Lydia about Danny.  She, of course, is shocked by their contention that Danny's a mob enforcer.  Corrigan is in love with Calhoune, which distracts him from the case, and she gives him a talking-to.  Back at the apartment, Danny comes clean about his real job to Owen, while Owen admits he kidnapped Isabella to make rent.  Danny's about to kill Owen, but Isabella reveals that the kidnapping was actually her idea.  As Chris awakens, Isabella is wheeled out of the room.  Finding that Danny's got a "tech guy" (Tim), a "driver" (Cole) and "muscle" (Owen), he assumes that Danny's true reason for leaving the Family is to pull a heist.  And he wants in.

Chris tells Danny just what he'd do with Isabella if he were alone with her. Owen engages his captives in a game of Uno.  (see video) Danny comes home, and worlds collide. Agents Calhoune (Jaime Andrews) and Corrigan (Pat Towne) question Lydia about Danny, but Corrigan's distracted by Calhoune. (see video)

Owen passes the time by engaging his captives in a game of Uno.

Agents of Regret.

EPISODE FOUR (3/19/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Adina Valerio

SUMMARY:  Danny and Owen plan a fake heist, using details from "The Great Muppet Caper" - which Chris thinks is the plan's code name.  After furious arguments over who gets to be code-named which Muppet, Owen gets himself thrown off the team.  Resentful, he tells everyone that Danny can only eat eighteen pancakes, not twenty, but is soon feeling better when romantic sparks fly with Isabella.  Meanwhile, Agents Corrigan and Calhoune are on a stakeout, tailing Lydia, hoping she'll lead them to Danny.  Or that's what Calhoune is hoping, anyway.  Corrigan is still hoping for some "bad romance" with his partner.  Lydia goes home to Danny, demanding to know if he's a mob enforcer.  When he denies it, she demands to see his workplace.  Uh oh.

Danny (Sean Sweeney) stands by as Chris mades crude jokes about his girlfriend. Chris almost catches on when the fake 'heist' resembles the plot of 'The Great Muppet Caper.' Owen wants to be Fozzie. Chris disciplines him when he can't stick to using code names. It turns violent pretty darn quick. A defiant 'wakka wakka wakka.' Agents Calhoune and Corrigan (Bruno Oliver) on a stakeout. They're going to be here a while. Agent Corrigan is not making the best use of his time. Lydia demands to see where Danny works.

The gang argue over who gets to be code-named which Muppet.

Agent Corrigan is not making the best use of his time while on stakeout.

EPISODE FIVE (5/21/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  We find Owen, Isabella, Agent Corrigan and a sleeping Lydia trapped in a bank vault with only an hour of air left to breathe. Owen records a podcast to catch us up. The fake heist plan went south. Danny was going to sneak into the vault with Chris and lock it behind them to protect Owen. Agent Corrigan was waiting inside, having bugged Danny's office. Owen screwed things up by knocking out Chris and going into the vault himself, followed by Lydia. Owen closed the door behind them, not realizing they'd run out of air. Lydia begins to sleepwalk, and the gang, to pass time, improvise a musical number around her somnambulations. However, the effort uses of the rest of the air in the vault and they all pass out.

Owens records a podcast catching us up on what's gone down. Agent Corrigan's nerves are a tad frayed. Owen apologies to his podcast audience for not discussing "Castle" as he usually does. Dancing with a sleepwalking Lydia. Singalong! "It's a grilled cheese party at 3am!" People on Ambien do the craziest stuff when they sleepwalk. Curtain Call