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written by Tyler Tanner
directed by Victor Isaac

Oh no, she didn't!  Oh yes, she did.

2 Episodes
9/17/11 - 9/24/11


Curt Bonnem

Jessica (Eps. 1-2)

Natasha Norman

Lucy (Eps. 1-2)

Sarah McElligott

Mrs. Haberdasher (Ep. 1)

Pat Towne

Mr. Haberdasher (Ep. 1)

Marz Richards

Sheriff Metzger (Eps. 1-2)

Monica Greene

Deputy Debbie (Eps. 1-2)

Colin Willkie

Man (Ep. 1)

Jaime Andrews

Woman (Ep. 1)

Anthony Backman

Ned (Ep. 2)

Tim Viramontes

Chad (Ep. 2)

Matt Valle

Timmy (Ep. 2)

Rebecca Larsen

Mitzi (Ep. 2)

Mandi Moss

Alice (Ep. 2)

Andrew Amani

Father McGillicuddy (Ep. 2)

EPISODE ONE (9/17/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

SUMMARY:  Novelist Jessica Feltcher lives in a quaint New England town where folks turn up dead all the time. Usually because Jessica has killed them. Take for example the case of Raul the Pool Boy, who was discovered dead in the kitchen of a local wealthy couple with his nipples scooped out with an ice cream scoop. Jessica frames the woman of the house for the crime, which allows her to write a crime novel titled "I, SCREAM" about the case. This is her 51st book.

Curtain Call

Jessica Feltcher has solved the mystery of the Ice Cream Scoop Murders.

EPISODE TWO (9/24/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Jessica Feltcher is attending a party at the home of her attorney. Her attorney has done some research and discovers that when Jessica was 9 years old, there was a series of murders in her small English village. Jessica is surprised by the amount of work her attorney has done on such an arcane subject. While everyone is in the den playing Rock Band and Pictionary, Jessica and her attorney are left alone in the living room. The lights go out because of a massive thunderstorm, and when the lights come back on, Jessica's attorney is found dead. Sheriff Metzger (and Deputy Debbie!) arrive to secure the crime scene and begin the investigation.

Curtain Call