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written & directed by Michael Holmes
(Eps. 3-4: story by Michael Holmes & Mandi Moss)

It's the end of the world as
he knows it, and he feels "fine."

6 Episodes
Original Run: 5 Eps, 3/31/12 - 4/28/12
Playoffs: 1 Ep, 5/26/12


Rick Steadman

Vincent Davis (Eps. 1-3 & 5-6)

Michael Holmes

Vin Diagram (Eps. 1-5)

Pete Caslavka

Stan Winslow (Eps. 1 & 3)

Colin Willkie

Oto Altskeller (Eps. 1-2 & 4-6)

Curt Bonnem

The Penultimate (Eps. 1-2 & 4-6)

Marz Richards

Skitter (Eps. 2-6)

Will McMichael

Lucius Oddfellow (Eps. 3-6)

Eric Curtis Johnson

Pitchman (Ep. 3)

Aaron Mendelson

Doc Silver (Eps. 3 & 6)

Julia Griswold

Li'l Vince (Ep. 3)

Victor Isaac

Chief Engineer Holmes (Ep. 4)

Jimmy Swan

Gaz (Eps. 4-6)

EPISODE ONE (3/31/12)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

Vincent Davis (the guy in the bathrobe) has awoken to find himself at the Nexus of All Realities,
where he has encountered different versions of himself from other realms.

EPISODE TWO (4/7/12)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

Vince takes control of the Universal Remote, allowing him to visit alternate realities,
which brings him to the attention of the agents of Order and Chaos a.k.a. The Penultimate and Skitter.

Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

Skitter intimidates Vincent by destroying one of his aspects, the zombie version named Stan.

EPISODE FOUR (4/21/12)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

Skitter attacks Chief Engineer Holmes in a bid for more power to rule Persona Space.

EPISODE FIVE (4/28/12)
Photos by Drew Vandiver

EPISODE SIX (5/26/12)
Photos by Addi Gaash