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written by Joshua Benton
directed by Mike Mahaffey (ep. 1)
directed by Joshua Benton (ep. 2)

...and a dream.

2 Episodes
9/28/13 - 10/5/13

EPISODE ONE (9/28/13)

SUMMARY:  Aspiring - and failing - actor Tom Davis answers an EMail ad from an outfit claiming they can make him into the greatest actor in the world.  After a rigorous training program overseen by Dr. Marcus and the squirrelly head honcho Herr Dryer, he is placed into Dr. McCoy's transmogrifier, which replaces his recessive DNA with better DNA... and he emerges transformed... into William Shatner.  When the newly confident and he-man Tom 2.0 makes a pass at Dr. Marcus' wife, Nurse Chapel, he and Marcus fight.  Tom runs off... and Marcus finds himself transformed into Shatner as well, much to Chapel's delight.  As they leave, Dr. McCoy gloats that he will soon have his revenge on William Shatner himself!

Dr. McCoy (Terry Tocantins) sends a spam EMail to aspiring actor Tom Davis (Corey Klemow). Tom enters the Transmogrifier... ...and emerges as Tom 2.0 (Matt Merchant) - aka William Shatnedr - and is greeted by Nurse Chapel (Monica Greene). Nurse Chapel's husband, Dr. Marcus (Mike Mahaffey), is also Shatnerfied.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

EPISODE TWO: "Rise of the Shats" (10/5/13)

SUMMARY:  Dr. McCoy remembers his youth, when William Shatner mocked him at a Star Trek convention, and he vowed revenge - creating an army of Shatners to ruin his career.  However, a version of McCoy from the future comes back to warn him to stop this terrible course of action.  Meanwhile, also from the future, The Herminator - a robotic Pee Wee Herman - has been sent back into time assassinate Keanu, who is "the one" - the only one who can stop the Rise of the Shats.

A young McCoy, about to be crushingly dissapointed by an encounter with William Shatner. Gary Busey (Joshua Benton) advises Keanau (Paul Todd). Meanwhile, the Pee-Wee Herminator (Justin Charles Cowden) attacks an agent (Bryan Bellomo). Nurse Chapel (Monica Greene) makes short work of Busey.

Photos by Aaron Francis


Scot Shamblin

Narrator (Ep. 1)

Corey Klemow

Tom Davis (Ep. 1)

Matt Merchant

Tom 2.0 (Ep. 1)

Terry Tocantins

Dr. McCoy (Eps. 1-2)

Monica Greene

Nurse Chapel (Eps. 1-2)

Mike Mahaffey

Dr. Marcus (Ep. 1)

Joshua Benton

Herr Dryer (Ep. 1)
Busey (Ep. 2)

Will McMichael

William Shatner (Ep. 2)

Jay Bogdanowitsch

Emcee (Ep. 2)

Douglas Gabrielle

Older McCoy (Ep. 2)

Jessica Sherman

Sandra Bullock (Ep. 2)

Paul Todd

Keanu (Ep. 2)

Justin Charles Cowden

Pee Wee ("The Herminator") (Ep. 2)

Sam Elliot

Narrator (Ep. 2)

Bryan Bellomo

Agent (Ep. 2)

Victor Isaac

Handsome Black Man (Ep. 2)