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written, directed & music by Korey Simeone
episode 2 directed by Jaime Robledo

Tennessee. 1931. A man and his lamb.

7 Episodes
Original Run: 2 Eps, 11/16/13 - 11/23/13
Playoffs Run: 5 Eps, 5/17/14, 6/28/14 - 7/19/14, 8/2/14

EPISODE ONE (11/16/13)
The Slayton County War, Part 1

SUMMARY:  When Papa Bub goes out looking for his lost lamb, he wanders into the territory of the Jub family, which threatens to break the peace between the two feuding families.  But young Jack Jub is in love with Maybelle Bub... they've been in love since they were sprats.  And when Maybelle vanishes, the feud may be back on...

The Slayton County Players Billy Jub (Jay Bogdanowitsch) flirts with Maybelle Bub (Maureen Hennigan). Papa Bub (Bruno Oliver) and Jack Jub (Korey Simeone) Mama Jub (Cj Merriman) and Delmer (Chris Greenwood).

Photos by Aaron Francis

EPISODE TWO (11/23/13)
The Slayton County War, Part 2

SUMMARY:  As Papa Bub and Delmer search for Maybelle, they meet a blind old blues singer named Blind Lemon Custard ("the 'd' is silent").  Blind Lemon and his hands, which have a life of their own, agrees to help - after insisting on playing a blues song first.  After pointing the Bubs on their way, we learn that he's actually been paid by Billy Jub - the seemingly lesser of the two Jub brothers - who had run off with Maybelle, to throw the Bubs off his trail.

The natives of Slayton County (L-R: Jay Bogdanowitsch, Cj Merriman, Chris Greenwood, Korey Simeone & Bruno Oliver) Papa Bub (Bruno Oliver) and Delmer (Chris Greenwood) search for Maybelle. Billy Jub (Jay Bogdanowitsch) makes sure Blind Lemon Custard (Victor Isaac) threw the Bubs off his trail. Mama Jub (Cj Merriman) upbraids Jack Jub (Korey Simeone).

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

The Ballad of Blind Lemon, Part 1

SUMMARY:  Blind Lemon Custard tells the story of how he became the greatest bluesman alive, when one day in his youth he met a Mr. Zebub at the crossroads.  Zebub challenged Lemon - not yet blind - to a musical duel fo the sort you're probably familiar with: if Lemon wins, he becomes a great bluesman.  If Zebub wins, he gets Lemon's soul.  Lemon wins handily against Zebub's awful playing, but Zebub forces him to accept best out of three, on the grounds that Lemon cheated by understating his abilities.  Zebub leads the second round with a fantastic solo, and a worried Lemon realizes that he's been played.

Photos by Aaron Francis

The Ballad of Blind Lemon, Part 2

SUMMARY:  Zebub attempts to best Lemon by playing fiddle.  Lemon says he's never played fiddle before... and yet, after a scratchy start, he suddenly picks it up and, he believes, bests Zebub to win two out of three.  However, the Big Man downstairs has decided that the match was a draw, and now Lemon must face his Lieutenant, Mel Phistopholes.

Time for the final musical showdown for Lemon's soul. Zebub plays with confidence... ...but Lemon ultimately bests him.  Or so it seems. Mel Phistopholes (Abraham Benrubi) informs Lemon that the Big Man downstairs has declared the match a draw, and he must now face Mel in musical combat.

Photos by Aaron Francis

The Ballad of Blind Lemon, Part 3

SUMMARY:  Blind Lemon gets off to a roaring start... and Mel's too much of a fan of Lemon's to even try to compete with him.  In fact, Mel seems to have a bit of a crush on Lemon, and sings "All of Me" to the increasingly uncomfortable musician.  However, the awkward serenade is interrupted by Mrs. Big Man, who is incensed that Mel hasn't followed orders.  So now Lemon will have to face her... and her musical chops quickly prove that Lemon may be in deep, deep shit.

Photos by Aaron Francis

The Ballad of Blind Lemon, Part 4

SUMMARY:  Mrs. Big Man sings up a storm, but Blind Lemon's song manages to seduce her. It seems he's won... but suddenly, Hands rebels and won't play for him anymore.  It turns out that Hands has been Mr. Big Man all along. Now Blind Lemon's in REAL trouble.

Photos by Joseling Jolieth

The Ballad of Blind Lemon, Part 5

SUMMARY:  Mr. Big Man Lucifer plays a jaunty tune and Lemon fears he's beat, but he sings an old Negro Spiritual, and God himself declares Lemon the winner of the contest. And now only is Blind Lemon now officially declared the best bluesman ever (ever... ever... ever...), but Mr. Big Man makes him an offer he can't refuse: after 8,000 years, he's become tired of running Hell. But he can't get away - the ruler of Hell must be kind, good-hearted and - unlikely everyone else in Hell - have a soul. And so Blind Lemon becomes Hell's new ruler, made immortal and free to play the blues all he wants, and shape Hell any way he wants.  And he takes the name of Old Scratch. Some day, maybe you might meet him at the crossroads...

Photos by Marian Gonzalez


Bruno Oliver

Papa Bub (Eps. 1-2)

Maureen Hennigan

Maybelle Bub (Ep. 1)

Evan Winsor

Grandaddy Jub (Ep. 1)

Korey Simeone

Grandpa Bub (Ep. 1)
Jack Jub
(Eps. 1-2)
Hands / Musician (Eps. 3-6)
Big Man Lucifer (Eps. 6-7)

Jay Bogdanowitsch

Billy Jub (Eps. 1-2)

Cj Merriman

Mama Jub (Penny) (Eps. 1-2)

Chis Greenwood

Delmer / Narrator (Eps. 1-2)

Victor Isaac

Blind Lemon Custard (Eps. 2-7)

Guy Picot

Mr. Zebub (Eps. 3-5 & 7)

Abraham Benrubi

Mel Phistopholes (Eps. 3-7)

Alyssa Preston

Mrs. Big Man (Eps. 5-7)

Pat Towne

God (Ep. 7)

Matt Gartsonis

Guitar (Ep. 7)

Gabe Davis

Bass (Ep. 7)

Zachary Bernstein

Drums (Ep. 7)