Cast and crew lists from past editions of WE THE PEOPLE.
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ALL PROCEEDS from the JANUARY 23 event went to Integrated Schools. Integrated Schools is growing a grassroots movement of, by and for parents who are intentionally, joyfully and humbly enrolling their children in integrating schools. This performance is dedicated to the life and work of Integrated Schools' founder, Courtney Everts Mykytyn.
"Fair and Balanced" by Travis Snyder-Eaton
Anne - Perry Daniel
Jonathon - Robert Paterno
Billy - Siaka
Viewer - Lana Rae Jarvis
"The Ring" by Diana Burbano
Andie - Marta Portillo
Mr. Ross - Corey Klemow
"Human Resources" by Justin Sanders
Human 1 - Cj
Human 2 - Perry Daniel
HR - Marian Gonzalez
"Forcefully Denied" by Rachael Carnes
Susan Collins -
Ruth Silveira
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - Sigute Miller
Kathleen - Taylor Bennett
"Waiting, God Ot?" by Michael Robinson
Woman - Deepti
Man - Robert Paterno
"Number 12 Looks Just Like the Sunken Place" by Carene Rose
Twelve - Taylor Bennett
Saundra - Cj Merriman
Dick - Garrett Botts
Tom - Siaka Massaquoi
Nancy - Perry Daniel
Taylor - Theo Motzenbacker
Cameron - Lana Rae Jarvis
"Miss Liberty" by Jen Huszcza
Performed by Marta
"Prove It" by Joe Jordan
with Marian Gonzalez
Ruth Silveira
Lana Rae Jarvis
Theo Motzenbacker, Corey Klemow
Deepti Gupta, Taylor Bennett
ALL PROCEEDS for the FEBRUARY 20 event went to CARECEN, the Central American Resource Center, a nonprofit organization that offers low-cost immigration legal services, community education programs, and advocacy and organizing to achieve fair and more inclusive immigration, education, and labor laws and policies in Los Angeles and the rest of the nation.
Vision: CARECEN envisions Los Angeles becoming a place where Central Americans and all other communities live in peace and dignity, enjoying economic well-being, social justice, and political empowerment.
Mission: CARECEN empowers Central Americans and all immigrants by defending human and civil rights, working for social and economic justice and promoting cultural diversity.
Writers & Performers for "A More Perfect Union" (directed by Marianne Davis & Amir Levi):
"Friendship Park" by Mildred Inez Lewis
Nina -
Ariella Amar
- Isaac Ybarra
Nzinga - Andrea Nguyen
Isabel - Monique Sypkens
- Richard Azurdia
Raymond - Jacob Barnes
"A More Perfect Union"
Written and Performed by
Natalie Nicole Dressel
"Fall in Winter" by Giovanni Ortega
Feliz Concepción
- Bryan Geli
Trieste Silko - Miles Burton
"A Union" by Keiana Richàrd
Deacon - Natalie Nicole
Woman -
Andrea Nguyen
"Channeling" by Jacob Barnes
Carleton - Miles Burton
Jacob - Isaac
"L'état, C'est Trump (Or What Happens If It's Not Wakanda
Forever)" by Michael Robinson
Bridget - Ariella Amar
Taylor - Bryan Geli
"Bedfellows" by Aaron Francis
Alex - Bianca Akbiyik
Mary - Lindsey
"Don't Tread on Black Mamba" by Carene Rose Mekertichyan
Gilbert - Richard Azurdia
Eddy - Jacob Barnes
Destiny - Monique Sypkens
Bo -
Edward Hong
Tali - Bianca Akbiyik
Becky - Lindsey Newell
"Roscoe's Wetsuit" by Travis Snyder-Eaton
Dude - Lauren LoGrasso
Bruh - Edward Hong
Babe - Isaac Ybarra
Sis - Natalie Nicole Dressel
Bro - Miles Burton
Birds - Lindsey Newell & Richard Azurdia
"More Perfect" by Allison Sulock
Performed by Ariella Amar, Jacob Barnes & Andrea Nguyen
"It Ain't Perfect..." by Richard Soto
Rosa Anthony -
Monique Sypkens
Alexandra Abigail Ruth - Bianca Akbiyik
"Where Do I Find Hope?" by Rachael Carnes
by Lauren LoGrasso
Stage Directions & Instrumentals: Allison Sulock
Our charity for the June 18 show was Bail Project. The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is a critical tool to prevent incarceration and combat racial and economic disparities in the bail system. Donate here.
Writers & Performers for "Domestic Tranquility":
"Poor People" by M.J. Kang
Jane - Evie Abat
Jeff - Terrence Wilburn
"Intermolecular Forces, Part 1" by Rachael Carnes
Julia - Kimberly Atkinson
"What Am I Doing?"
Written & Performed by MJ
Brown/Miss Barbie-Q
"The Peace of Home" by Mildred Inez Lewis
- Amir Levi
Travis - Terrence Wilburn
"A Wish for More Sleep"
Written & Performed by
Natalie Nicole Dressel
"To Ensure Domestic Tranquility" by Nancy Nevins
Performed by Sarah E Hunter
"The Plant" by Brian Sonia-Wallace
- Edward Hong
"The Pink Elephant"
Concept by Sophie Goldstein and Melanie
Written by Sophie Goldstein
Soph - Teri Gamble
Mel - Jaquita Ta'le
Daphne - Evie Abat
Martha - Deepti Gupta
- Richard Soto
Man - Terrence Wilburn
Woman - Aviva
"Intermolecular Forces, Part 2" by Rachael Carnes
Julia - Kimberly Atkinson
"Eating Each Other Alive"
Written & Performed by
Richard Soto
"The Bright Side" by Carene Rose Mekertichyan
- Natalie Nicole Dressel
Kendra - MJ Brown
"Dr. Melissa" by Paul Mischehsin
Melissa -
Aviva Pressman
"What a long strange trip it's been" by Linda Muggeridge
Performed by Martha Kight
"The Burger King" by Jen Huszcza
Performed by
Teri Gamble, Amir Levi
Jaquita Ta'le
"Burritto Man" by Rommel Rojas
Developed with Giovanni Ortega
Gary Sanchez - Edward Hong
"V. Domestic Tranquility" by Michael Robinson
Mitch - Martha Kight
Crazy Legs - Sarah E Hunter
"Welcome to the Coronaverse" by Gleason Bauer
Performed by Deepti Gupta
"Intermolecular Forces, Part 3" by Rachael Carnes
Julia - Kimberly Atkinson
"Death is Death" by Joyce Miller
Gerri -
Jaquita Ta'le
Cole - Evie Abat
Our charity for the July 30 show was ProjectQ. ProjectQ Community Center is a non-profit organization that provides safe space for LGBTQIA+ homeless youth. At their Community Center, LGBTQIA+ homeless youth can receive free mentorship classes and workshops, along with free gender-affirming haircuts. They pride themselves on being 100% inclusive and a safe space where everyone is welcome; regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, size, ability, and income. Donate here.
Writers & Performers for "Blessings of Liberty":
"The Will" by Ian Patrick Williams
Mr. America -
Lucas Alifano
Mrs. America - Marianne Davis
Attorney - Melodie Shih
"I Am Not Free"
Written & Performed by Natalie Nicole
"The Zoom Interview" by Paul Mischeshin
Tom - John
Wendy - Brittney Wheeler
Chief of Staff - Marianne Davis
"da Curses" by Denise Gordon
Performed by Emmanuel
"For All the Times" by Lilian Nader
Performed by
Brittney Wheeler
"Vulture" by M.J. Kang
Karen - Melodie Shih
"Liberty Poops" by Michael Robinson
Ennio - Emmanuel
Sandy - Brittney Wheeler
"Land of…" by Dave Buscema
Performed by Lucas Alifano
"I’m at Liberty" by Deepti Gupta
David - John Wuchte
Carol - Natalie Nicole Dressel
Narrator - Edward Hong
Shawn - Lucas
TSA Agent #1 - Melodie Shih
TSA Agent #2 - Emmanuel Okeke
Flight Attendant - Marianne Davis
- Sacred Fools Company Member