New Works Development Program at Sacred Fools Theater

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NWD?

The New Works Development Program is a workshop series designed to support playwrights as they develop their projects from an early draft to a place where all participants feel it is ready for production. Afterwards, the writer is free to find the best home for their show. That could mean a mainstage proposal to Sacred Fools, another theater company, or even a self-produced run at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. We’re less focused on where a play premieres, and more invested in our writers feeling they have a polished, producible play.

Who can participate?

Members (and Associate Members) of Sacred Fools Theater company are encouraged to submit. The program is also open to winners of the annual Serial Killers Playoffs.

Does it have to be a full draft?

It’s always helpful to include a working draft of a script. Treatments, concepts, and outlines are fantastic tools for putting together a play, and while there is no strict rule against submitting earlier forms of writing, the most complete drafts have an advantage in the submission process.

Is this program meant for first-time writers or professional playwrights?

Both and everyone in between. Development is a crucial part of writing a play and everyone can take something from the process, whether it’s your first play or your fiftieth.

How does it work?

Every project is different, and every workshop is designed to meet the needs of the play. However, we follow this general format, which works well in most cases as a starting point:

  1. Writers complete the submission form posted below and submit it with a draft of their play.
  2. The curators read the script and meet with playwright to determine if NWD will fit the needs of the play and give their initial impressions, ask questions, etc.
  3. Once a project is selected, the writer and curators work together to create a specific series of goals and a timeline for these goals. At the writer’s discretion, other trusted collaborators are invited into the cadre to give feedback.
  4. After a period of time for initial revisions, each project is provided a private reading to assess its progress, followed by time to evaluate and revise further.
  5. The development process culminates in a semi-public reading at Sacred Fools to which the writer may invite anyone she or he wishes to include in the feedback process.
  6. The program often comes to an organic close when the writer is satisfied with the work, and the questions and suggestions from their feedback team have been addressed.

Who are the Co-Curators of NWD?

Bob DeRosa is a proud member of Sacred Fools Theater Company where he has written for many shows including Serial Killers, Fast & Loose, Crime Scene, and Naked Holidays. He wrote the full-length show All The Best Killers Are Librarians, which was nominated for Best Comedy at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. As a professional screenwriter for over a decade, Bob has written for the big screen (Killers, The Air I Breathe) the small (White Collar), and the very small (the award-winning horror/comedy web-series 20 Seconds To Live).

Rebecca Larsen is a former member of the Sacred Fools artistic committee where, with co-curator emeritus Jonas Oppenheim, she created the New Works Development Program. Rebecca saw that Sacred Fools had a brilliant apparatus for generating sketch content through Serial Killers, but no real process for the in-house writers to develop larger projects. Since its inception in 2010, Rebecca has been enjoying the fulfilling work of encouraging writers and facilitating creativity in this way.

Nathan Wellman is a Kentucky native. Nathan works as a curator and contributing political journalist for US Uncut. His work has been produced in L.A., New York, Chicago, Haiti, and Kentucky. His first play, Ryan is Lost, was produced by Sacred Fools in 2012, following its award winning run at the Hollywood Fringe. He’s been accepted into L.A.’s annual Sci-Fest two years in a row, premiering one acts alongside such writers as Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker. Other produced work includes Inhale Harmonica, Billion Tuesday Mornings, and Love Life Alpha. Currently living in Los Angeles, Nathan is a member of both Sacred Fools and Skypilot Theatre. His novel The Scarecrow is available on Amazon. Youtube: Nathan's Art Project. Twitter: @LightningWow

Writers are encouraged to invite other prospective team members whose feedback they’d like to receive.

How do you pick the projects?

As a part of the Literary Department at Sacred Fools, the New Works Development staff are at liberty to select projects we’re drawn to and think we can serve. Simultaneously, the Artistic Directorate is at liberty to engage us with projects submitted for season selection if they feel a play is promising and could benefit from the process.

How is feedback given?

We work with The Lerman Method.

I’m an actor and I want to participate in readings- how do I let you know that?

How wonderful. Please email the link below with a digital copy of your headshot and resume. Company membership is not required for actors to read for the series. Thank you for being willing to participate in someone else’s creative process.

Please download and complete the submissions form and send it, with a PDF copy of your project to



Everybody's Got the Plague
The Dance of Angels Who Burn Their Own Wings