Musical Workshop Presentation: A Midsummer Nightmare: The Musical Sequel to "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

by Michael Shaw Fisher
directed by Scott Leggett

Fri-Sat, Oct. 21-22, 2022 @ 8pm

FREE! Reserve your seat online (Please consider making a donation at checkout.)

Proof of full vaccination plus booster required for entry. Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth at all times in the theater.

Come experience the 'Musical Workshop-Reading-Presentation' of Michael Shaw Fisher's A Midsummer Nightmare: The Musical Sequel to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - from the author of the critically-acclaimed Skullduggery: The Musical Prequel to "Hamlet"! This project has been multiple years in the making and is being presented for the first time at Sacred Fools. Directed by Scott Leggett, there will be two performances of this magical new musical to solicit feedback from audiences in order to aid in the development of a future full scale production.

It's been 13 years since the events of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and both married couples of once young lovers have grown estranged and resentful... except for Demetrius, who is the only one still wearing the intoxicating magic charm of Love's Flower. Amidst their delusions, infidelities and betrayals, the human world and the faerie realm collide when Merowick (the "changeling child" who Titania and Oberon fought over in A Midsummer Night's Dream, now an angry young man) rises to power. Can everyone learn to work together to save democracy, defeat the killer donkey beast and establish a new normal before the "jaws of darkness" devours what's left of civilization?

Tickets are FREE... but please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Sacred Fools at checkout.

Performing on the Broadwater Mainstage (Entrance at 1076 Lillian Way)

Digital Program

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Fatima El-Bashir as Hippolyta
Kim Dalton as Hermia
Katherine Powers as Helena
Garrett Marshall as Lysander
Lucas Alifano as Demetrius
Leigh Wulff as Titania
J. Bailey Burcham as Oberon/Francis Flute
Jeff Sumner as Puck
Emerson Boatwright as Ariel
Michael Shaw Fisher as Merowick
Ezra Buzzington as Bottom
Everjohn Feliciano as Snug
Cj Merriman as Snout
Parnell Damone Marcano as Starveling (Fri, 10/21)
Gregory Guy Gorden as Starveling (Sat, 10/22)
Alli Miller-Fisher as Stage Directions (Fri, 10/21)
Reagan Osborne as Stage Directions (Sat, 10/22)


Assistant Director - Alli Miller-Fisher
Musical Director - Andrew Orbison
Choreographer - Camal Pugh
Stage Manager - Miles Berman
Musical Arrangements - Elmo Zapp

Poster image is a composite of two watercolors by Arthur Rackham - "Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be" (from a 1908 illustrated edition of "A Midsummer Night's Dream") and "The Night Sky" - with an image of the moon that originated in a Dutch almanac published in 1740.