Manifest YOUR destiny on Zero dollars a day!

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Here are some of the amazing Life Mantras you've
shared with us at our FREE $$$ workshop!

Create something
Don’t believe in strikeouts!
In it to win it!
Peculiar travel arrangements are dancing instructions from God
Go large or don’t go at all
I’m sleeping
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent
“Live your life, live your dreams!” –Dikran Ornekian
Never take no cutoffs.
Just live!
Have more fun
Do it
Just do it
Live for the moment
Having Fun
The magic # is 12
Just do it
Be in the now
Keep going
Yes I Can!
Not another Monday
I don't want to die alone
Keep doing it.
Have fun happiness
Just breathe!
Do it for the [heart] (or $)
Keep it real
In Your Face
Not in the face!
I don't really have one that I know of
Tell the truth
Home is where the Tavern is
Don't know
Deez mothafuckin NUTS
This too shall pass

Come to FREE $$$ and tell us YOUR Life Mantra, and
check back here each week as we add more of your wisdom!


Dear Robin and Randy®,

I want to tell you how positive thought energy (PSE) changed my life.

Tuesday I woke to find that my internet connection had deserted me inexplicably.  I scanned my memory to make sense of it: had there been domestic social unrest requiring a pause in service?  Had I proffered untoward feedback on  Was there a connection with the most recent “Immediate Payment Required” notice I’d received from Time Warner Cable (TWC) in the post the week before?

Vexed, I pursued the latter possibility, remote as it appeared.  This TWC notice had not been the first. It seemed ever since I moved to a smaller apartment that those pesky TWC notices had menaced me monthly, battered me about; but I’d been yielding meekly, remitting the requested amounts even when I knew my balance should be current. But this month, I’d been certain they were wrong, and I’d felt the responsible action was to disregard the notice.  Now, coldly detached from the online community, I threw a Hail Mary and phoned TWC.  After a very unfair on-hold period, TWC representative Liyonne announced herself and casually posed a riddle for which I felt grossly unprepared.

“How can I help you?”

The question hit me like a thunderbolt.  This perfunctory feeler, once banal, now beamed a crackling rhetorical aspect: how could she help me?  How could she possibly manifest my dreams, my wealth, my internet connection?  I swallowed hard.

“My internet is out.  I keep receiving past-due notices even though I pay my bill automatically through free online banking.  I think I‘ve actually been double-paying”

“Let's see, your account doesn’t show that you’re double paying…” Earnest but jejune, Liyonne was not going to change my life.  Opening my mouth to assure her the correctness of my position, I found my throat bankrupt of argument.  But at that moment I saw in my minds eye the inspirational promotional video for Free $$$: Manifest Your Dreams on Zero Dollars a Day.  I recalled the dynamic power couple it featured, and I imagined the fresh insight, the paradigmatic shift, that the video might have delivered were it not for a missing audio portion due to operator error.  Dramatic feelings of abundance surged all through me.

“I think it might be because I moved to a smaller apartment recently and I’m paying into my old account number as well as current one.”

I sensed Liyonne sensing the renewed prosperity of my mindset: “Yes, I do show you’ve been paying into the previous account."  She sighed in anticipatory exhaustion at the task before her.  "OK, I'll give you a reference number for TWC Banking Services and we’ll see what we can do.”  Liyonne had it right.  We’ll see what we can do; we all will.

Needless to say I am now thrilled and experiencing feelings of financial fullness.  There is absolutely no telling just how much free money TWC will now bless me with, because my free online banking history goes back only three months, and to review prior periods I’d have to pay.  Whatever the detail, a check is speeding to me.

I can’t wait to build on what I’ve gained from the promotional video by attending your Free $$$ workshop live!  It is my hope that you’ll allow me to attend gratis for now, pending the arrival of the check from TWC; please confirm that that’s possible.

Are you arranging carpools?

Yours abundantly,
