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that's Brad...


by Brad Friedman

August 14, 1999 - Well, it was another big week, This Week in Crime...And as we presciently and eerily predicted just one week ago, from this self-same column, on this self-same website…"it's the crime at our very own front door step that we must remain ever vigilante about".

Little did we know it then, but in a few short days time, our lives here in Los Angeles would be turned upside-down, in perhaps irreparable ways, that could, in no way, have been forseen. All in just a few short minutes of time on a quiet, sunny, Summer afternoon in The Southland.

I'm speaking of course, of… Actor David Duchovny's recent shocking lawsuit against Twentieth-Century Fox.

The implications in this suit against the producers of his hit Television Show The X-Files are enormous and troubling for those of us who call LA our home, and the Entertainment Industry our lifeblood!

Knows a good lawyer!
Suprised everyone!

Duchovny has alleged the studio secretly conspired to cut him out of millions of dollars in potential profits, and that Series Creator and Executive Producer Chris Carter was indeed paid "hush money" by Fox - to cover up a clandestine back-end profit sharing agreement.

This season is scheduled to be the actor's 7th and - no, duh - final season with the show.

Though few may want to listen now -- the truth is …often difficult to hear -- Duchovny insists the conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Yes, all the way to Chairman and CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment, William Mechanic.

We hope he'll soon find The Truth… It is out there…

{Sing the eery X-Files Theme Song now in your mind…}

In other local crime news -- and on a lighter note -- In Granada Hills, a crazed Neo-Nazi with an Uzi entered the lobby of a Jewish Community Center full of senior citizens and pre-schoolers, sprayed the place with over 100 rounds of ammo in a matter of minutes, left the building, shot a postal worker (in an ironic twist, I might add), car-jacked a Toyota, dropped it at a hotel, hailed a taxi-cab to Hollywood, got a haircut, bought a new shirt, looked unsuccessfully for a prostitute, and then hailed an $800 taxi-cab ride to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Knows nothin'
Suprised no one!

In case you had trouble finding information about this incident in the always cautiously responsible News Media this week,…you may have missed the rarely reported detail that the gunman, upon turning himself in, told authorities that he did this as - quote - "A wake-up call to America to kill Jews".

In the interest of thorough and responsible news reporting, let me repeat that once again in case you missed it, care to jot it down, or wish to set a reminder for yourself; He did it as a - quote - "wake-up call to America to kill Jews."

The perpetrator of This Week's Mass ShootingÔ …or often under-reported "wake-up call to America to kill Jews" - was, to no one's surprise - named; "Buford".

Knows a good opportunity!

In on the act?

Such incidents have by now becoming routine here in America. Indeed Starbucks has offered to sponsor Next Week's Mass ShootingÔ , planned for a Boy Scout Camp near Des Moines.

But still…as routine as these tragedies have become in this country, each one seems to top the next with a stunning new twist or seems to offer a shocking new mystery. In this case, now that this sort of tragedy has indeed "come home" for all of us -- Angelenos have been scratching their heads for days, wandering about with dazed and sullen looks, asking themselves the same disturbing question over and over again; How the hell, did Buford Oneal Furrow, manage to hail, not one, but two taxi-cabs in the City of Los Angeles?!

And that's this week's, This Week In Crime...

Previously in 
"CRIME SCENE 2000: The Race To the Whitehouse"

· May 2, 2001   Timothy McVeigh must die, die, die! Quick! Hurry! Now! Die!
· March 11, 2000 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! CS2K Takes to the Polls on Super Tuesday!
· March 4, 2000 EXCLUSIVE AUDIO! Pat Robertson vs John McCain in..."The Battle of the Voter Alerts!"
· February 26, 2000 George W. in his own words!
· February 19, 2000
(not yet available)
South Carolina Primary Results! And a visit from The President of the United States!!!
· February 12, 2000 EXCLUSIVE Interview with the Reclusive John McCain!
· December 4, 1999   The Battle for Seattle!
· October 30, 1999  A Gorey Halloween Special! Caught on tape!
· October 16, 1999 Y2K!!! Without the Hype!!! Read it now!!! NOW!!!
· October 9, 1999 Spielberg Makes News! Must be a slow news week...
· September 25, 1999  Felt Up by Diana Ross! Framed Up by the LAPD! And Fed Up by Media Minorities!
· September 18, 1999  EXCLUSIVE! O.J. Simpson Bares All!
· August 28, 1999   Reno Blows Denial! George W. Denies Blow!
· August 14, 1999   Duchovny cries conspiracy & Buford goes ballistic!
· August 7, 1999 Sex & The Baby-Sitter!
· May 15, 1999 A special This Century In Crime, Millenial Minute!
· May 8, 1999 Reagan goes to Jail, Moses goes to bat & Lolita goes home!
· May 1, 1999 Littleton, Fabio and the Cola Wars play the race card!
· April 24, 1999 Special Breaking News! Littleton Shootings.